Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Falling in the Black


Her pained looks set something off in the brute, he demeanor became more on the cautious side. She didn’t mean to make him think she was hurt by him, but she was. She hated to admit it but her dead mate still haunted her dreams; every night she would see his bloody battered body laying in the ground and Muse grown and screaming at her… He scared her, he was his father and now he was gone, somewhere in Blossom Forest.

She felt numb; her heart was blocked in with ice. Nothing had broken through yet, and so she had forgotten what love was. All she knew was… nothing.

Their conversation continued the silence short lived. Whether he was bull shitting her or she didn’t care he was talking to her. She hadn’t had the company of another wolf for many moons. But he was obviously distracted by something, the growling, whatever…

He looked back to her his bloody red eyes staring into her portals. Their introductions simple, the albino’s statement dripped with sarcasm but his laughter lightened its meaning. His laughter was one she had never heard before but everyone had their quirks right? Their attention was turned to the bush again, Keena wanted to know who was there and why they were being such a sneaky asshole. Gilbert seemed keenly aware of the voice, mainly because he seemed to understand it. Her yelling was stopped by her pawing pressed into the ground, "Don't hurt yourself, Liebe. Let me."

Gilbert’s posture suddenly changed, his relaxed form was now tensed. His muscles buldged out, his eyes filled with a new emotion. His lyrics were translated back into German and the girl could only guess at what he was saying. His voice was a serpents, it was unnatural… Keena shrank back from his form. Then he shouted, "DAS IST EIN BAFEHL!" A command barked like order to a soldier. Keena looked at the brush, it shiver with movement whoever was in it was coming out. Gilbert straitened back and relaxed again patting a spot of grass for Keena. She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t want his wrath on her so she accepted and sat by him.

The other brujo was introduced as Gilbert’s brother, he bowed to show respect. And then, WEST!!! Then white titan lunged for his brother, their play fight lasted only few minutes. Gilbert talked to his brother and they both walked over. Keena offered a nervous smile and Gilbert kept the conversation going, "Sorry for sprinting off so abruptly... West and I haven't seen each other for some time. There were scores that needed settling, so we settled them. And be careful around this one, he is the possessor of a certain stick we already discussed. Kesese~ This loosened Keena but she still couldn’t understand his sudden change of character. Maybe the other brute, Ludwig would know. Keena finally noticed their white furs mixing together and it made her senses go numb, she couldn’t focus with him around. She closed her eyes slightly frustrated, Can SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHATS GOING ON?!


Word Count:519

Keena | Mother to one son | Widow | No Pack | Adult| Ka!e

"Listen to my tale," she chides...

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