At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


Falling in the Black {Nickolai Conti.}


Her water dip felt wonderful, her sleek white pelt made her the typical model. Her amber lanterns studied the male from a distance. He said his name was Jasper but her instincts told her otherwise; she had reason to be weary of the brujo but she still wanted to play around with him, play a little game of cat and mouse. It was too enjoyable to let go now, that would be stupid. Her canines glittered under the afternoon sunlight. The day was moving forward, slowly and progressively.

He had waited patiently for Keena but something seemed off about the brute, his reactions to played out. Not all the convincing, really. She kept up her game with her sneaky comment and he replied with equal tone, "I like dangerous baby that is one thing you have now learned about me." Keena snickered deviously, Don’t we all learn something new? She was taking from an old saying, ‘you learn something new every day’. She smiled as he muzzle buried itself into her neck, she turned her head and nipped at his ear playfully.

The game far from won.

Keena wanted to lure him into the water and test his skills then. She slinked towards the water motioning him with her tail, Come join me cutie! She mused over the things she could do to him but she needed ‘Jasper’ in the water first. Come on Jas!(pronounced jazz) Her paws tread the water with fluid motion, she was raised on the tundra but the summer melts allowed for some swimming, every once and a while…

The game had just started.


Word Count:235

Keena | Mother to one son | Widow | No Pack | Adult| Ka!e

"Listen to my tale," she chides...

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