Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Drowning in Memory

The other fae seemed irritated with Apollonia’s arrival and presence, snorting even at some points. Her gaze for the most part stayed glued upon Apollonia. For her part, Apollonia’s emeralds laid on the fae for only a moment before turning them to focus upon her father.

Yes. But tiring you out will do a world of good. Her father looked at both her and Odessa sternly, and Apollonia put on her best serious face. She knew that when he looked like that, she had to pay close attention to what he said. And he did have a good point – she had been restless as of late at night and had had trouble sleeping, so getting tired would be a good way to get some quality sleep. Today, I will be learning what I have to work with. I will be looking at stamina, strength, attention and obedience. The next lesson will begin to work on what you struggle with. Apollonia sobered her emotions and sat up straighter, desperately wanting to impress her father, especially after how Axel had treated her first kill. If she had only worked together with Lycaon and Lolita and taken down bigger prey, all of their hunger could have been sated.

But she had slipped up and had spoken excitedly, asking about Lolita, which Lycaon had swiftly shot down. No Lonia, she will not be joining us. No more questions about her while we are in session, okay? Apollonia demurely nodded, certain now that there was something wrong with the two of them? Had they gotten into a fight? But apparently it was inappropriate to ask such questions here and now.

so are you two ready to begin? I don’t care if you aren’t, I’m not taking no for an answer. Firstly we must stretch our muscles. I expect you two to know why, so tell me. Why? Odessa beat her to the answer, and Apollonia nodded in agreement. As her father began to stretch, Apollonia repeated the motions. She had seen him stretch many times before and had learned to copy his motions, so she knew the motions quite well. First she stretch backward, rocking onto her haunches and extending her spinal column. Her front claws escaped from them sheaths. Next she shifted her weight onto her forehand, giving her hind paws the chance to escape from their sheaths, each metatarsal curling on its own. After she stretched, she glanced to Odessa and realized that the fae was already done and was looking at her. However, Odessa then shifted her gaze to lay upon a nearby squirrel. Apollonia turned her gaze to lay back upon her father. Who wanted a squirrel? Butterflies were so much better.

Word Count:

Apollonia | Pupless | Loveless | No Pack | Teenager

"Listen to my tale," she chides...


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