aurora borealis- noun plural: An aurora that occurs in northern regions of the earth. Also called northern lights.

In the middle of a dense forest of coniferous trees lies the Aurora Borealis pack, its name coming from its location. At certain times of the year, the northern lights appear, dancing almost magically in the sky. A narrow trail leads you through the close evergreens. Giving into temptation, you begin moving your paws. By venturing into this territory, you are venturing into a land belonging to a pair of feared leaders. You have heard rumors of them...but you decide to take your chances and hope that the tales of blood and death are merely fabricated stories to scare wolves.

You have walked nearly five minutes before you realize the sound of paws stepping somewhere from behind. Deciding that you've made a mistake, you quickly turn around, but find that you cannot go any further. Standing before you is one of the mighty kings you've heard of. His blood red pelt clings over perfectly toned bands of muscle. But that isn't what causes such fear in your veins. One of his amber eyes has a horrid, bleeding scar across it, and his good eye seems to stare right through you. His face is expressionless, giving off none of his intentions. You cower away as his jaws part.

"I'm Hell Demon."

His voice was deep and cut through the air like a hot knife through butter. Right where he left off, another voice picks up from behind you. You whirl around and find yourself facing another male with steely muscles beneath his pelt, which seems to consist of every shade of brown. He had startled you, and you're amazed how you hadn't at all detected his approach.

"And I am Ghost...we're the alphas of Aurora Borealis."

His deep voice was laced thickly with a Native American accent. His own golden eyes are directing a harsh glare your way. Now you're caught in the middle...your breathing has become heavy in your panic and you're not sure which to face.

"You've foolishly trespassed into our territory. You face the one called Hell Demon's whose voice is once more addressing you. Get out, or become a corpse along our border."

It's obvious they mean business. So now it's up to you...take your chances and stay, or heed their warning and waste no time getting out with your life.


the sky has fallen zig + whoever

Hey ! so i'm bored so i started a thread ^^ don't know how long i'll be around for unfortunately, probably just a couple weeks :/ anyways, feel free to ignore this if you wish <3 Sorry tis post is not good, 'm EXTREMELY rusty :s

EDIT: got a computer ! ! Which means I'll finally be around xD


His paws move across the dirt, dragging themselves as if weights brought him down. His eyes shone brightly yet there was a hidden tint of tiredness. He had left, and just a couple days after he left, Sin had passed away. If he would have stayed, the pack would have gone to the ex-beta. He wanted this kingdom to be his before. Yet just as he had begun to gain and take control, Sin had appeared and assumed that everyone would love her, be okay with her long absence. Cody knew he couldn't follow her anymore, which is why he had left. Trust her? No, he did not trust Sin. He should have returned as soon as the news of the death of the alpha had reached him, but he had to find himself again... besides, that would be cold, at least in his head. Yet, by leaving it seems he only found more harm within himself. Vela, Zig, all he cared about. He left again, with no word left for them. Now, he realized how wrong of him it was to do so. The pain swelled in his heart, heartbreak, a goodbye heartache. His eyes scanned the ground as if looking for something with each step, but his thoughts were the only thing truly active, alive from within him. His way to Aurora Borealis was long, at least in his head. He didn't know what he would say to Zig, if she was still around. The poor girl had nothing much, and still Cody had dared leave her. But she must know, that if something truly loves you, whether it's romantic or friendly, it will always somehow come back to you. His nostrils flare, sneezing lightly at the new smell of a male Alpha. His kingdom was taken, by a stranger. Not that he really had a right to call it his own.

Left it because of Sin, and even knowing of her death, Cody did not return until now. His eyes looked up, and his stops stopped for a second. His ears flick upwards and he stands tall. Zig was still around. His chest pounded with regret of leaving without notice. Vela's scent however, was nowhere to be found. He continued onward, his black left leg contrasting against his white pelt, not as radiant as usual. After a visit to Zig, he would go elsewhere in Blossom Forest, perhaps she would come back with him for a stroll. Staircase Falls, a beautiful place to relax and think, let the air clear minds. For now, he had only one thing to do, and in his head, Cody made up a million ways this meeting could go, negative, neutral, and positive. All combinations bounced within his head. "Zig... I'm sorry." he whispers ever so lightly, only audible to himself, more of spoken through his mind. He shakes his head and continues to walk toward the border of his old home, the scents and sights making him more and more homesick with each step nearer.

At last, he stops at the border. He cares not for anything else than this. How he wished he could run across that land, go back to his den and sleep. Stay up at night talking to someone, watching the lights dance up in the sky. The lights- the very first reason why he fell in love with the land in the first place. Never would their wonderful colors and arrangements tire him, never would they stop amusing him. The way they shone so ever brightly, or danced down onto the earth and snow. Truly, this was the most beautiful land of all without a doubt. He snaps back to reality, and raises his maw. For a moment he hesitates, then without thinking, he howls. His song, melodic minor, is beautiful and long, smooth and soft on the ears. Cody's howl was the thing that set him apart from the rest, along with his black left leg. His song is specific; it calls for Zig. That is the only message portrayed in it... Zig... nothing else. Of course, curious members could go to the border and wonder why the song was so specific, but he didn't care. As long as she got the message, he was okay. Vela... oh how he wished a bit of her scent were around so he could call her too. But for now, the shattered Zig was all he could worry about. How he would begin to say sorry and explain himself, he did not know. He had to attempt it... and start somewhere though.


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