At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


| ɖrεαmïηg s†α†ε | -- **nikandros cont

Unchanging. How can one ever be truly unchanging? It's impossible, is it not? In order to survive, one must face the obstacles of life, even the ones that nature throws their way and they must live with their decision. Two paths diverged in a yellow wood. Depending on which path is taken, left or right, the outcome will be different but the emotions left over will usually end up the same. Regret. Regrets and what if's. Kohaku, for the first time in a very long long time... In fact, the first time since her mothers body was found, dropped her guard. She was completely defenseless. Raw. Not even in the cavern with Nikandros had she been able to shed her outer skin, and expose the porcelain lying underneath. She was getting a little sick of herself recently. The lass sat back up away from the water and stared at her paws, just barely submerged by the cool crystalline. Her eyes wavered and she shut them tightly, inhaling too quickly, much like a pup would before they broke down into tears. Such was Kohaku. That wary heart that she had thrown away and forgotten the location of was starting to hurt a little... And it was still just the heart of a child. It beat furiously as she put no effort in trying to calm it down. There was no point in trying. She had kept her teenage years pent up within her. She had kept the first year of her adult life as well, and now they were all piling up onto each other, threatening to overflow without a moments hesitation.

And that's when he came into the picture. Perhaps it had been the water that had kept we from scenting his being there. Perhaps it had been the intensity of her gaze upon her pistons, which had carried her so far already, she was sure they too were going to give up on her one day, just as her father, her brother, and she herself had. Perhaps she just wasn't paying attention, for as she looked up to the other side of the lakes expanse, just as the tears rolled from her amber portals, he was crossing over towards her like some kind of angel. Her spyglasses widened in disbelief at her own vulnerability at the moment and she held her breath as the urge to just fall apart came and found her weak and stammering heart. Nikandros... He was seriously making his way towards her. Through the fucking water. Shit shit shit. She couldn't be seen right now. She couldn't be discovered. These words in her head surprised her even more than the royals expending of energy in order to get to her. Why couldn't she be seen? Why wasn't he allowed to be weak? Was she not mortal too? Was her pride so important to her? Yes, it was. And she knew the reasoning behind that. It was all she had of herself that felt as if it should belong to her. It was her only possession and that was all.

Kohaku raised herself to attention, forcing herself to stand on all four, skinny but sturdy pillars. Like some kind of resolution had been reached, she raise her nape to its highest height and pricked her listeners forward, absorbing her name as it escaped the prison of his mouth and ran to her for security. She would protect it and bathe it and dress it up nicely to prove a point that given a second chance, all things contain the ability to change. She would rename it to give it it's final touch of life and then she too breathed it away, setting it loose to the wind. Because the wind is the only free ground between two sides. It's the fence that souls claim to sit upon. It may sway sometimes, and rearrange itself so that it aids secretly to one side, but it will always go back to being neutral. What he chose to do with this object on the wind, what he chose to think of it, was his own business. But the object, renamed, left her lips nonetheless and flew into the welcoming arms of the temperamental gales. "Nikandros."
He was closing the distance between them. Every second was some sort of internal war. Her eyes were still leaking and though her breathing ha one back to a regular sort of rhythm, she couldn't help but want to turn away. However, just as she had done at the cavern... Just as he had not run away... Her pillars did not twist her body around or even allow her to move opposite of his trial. Instead, she pushed herself forwards, going up to her 'knees' in the cold water. What in the world was he? When she first came to malignant, her mind was for Fenrir. Nikandros had just happened upon her at a time and for some reason... For some strange and demented reason, she had made his acquaintance. Is that how feelings grow? You find a similar point in another and you cut it open and let it fester? You insert a lifeline between the two wounds, yours and theirs, and if it breaks, both sides are screwed? Since when had she joined a lifeline with him? Was it even a lifeline to begin with? Or was it an imaginary attachment? Kohakus portals narrowed and she closed them, discovering that by now, they were most likely lined with red and looking like hell. She didn't want to care. So she opened them back up and put her brave face on. One step. One more... Just single steps at a time. Not much on her part but he was already getting close. Approaching the very thing that was waiting for him like some sort of trap. Foolish foolish prince.

|| kohaku || female || adult || Jeanne d'Arc x Scarface || malignant felicity || love || offspring|| kiki ||


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