A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


The Cry of Destiny

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Her fishing technique was one that she found to be tried and true, so she remained still and patiently awaited a fish that would fall into her trap. Finally, one did. A salmon swam precariously close to her, and she slowly unsheathed her claws as her plume descended toward the water’s surface. As soon as it touched the liquid, the fish turned head to fin and swam smack dab into her sharpened claws. However, at the same time, the water practically exploded as seemingly the river’s entire population of inhabitants raced away from something upriver. Her paws scooped upward and toward the shore and her sunny gaze caught sight of her prey flying through the air to land on the shore. The only problem was that it landed in a patch of particularly tall grass. It was the least graceful fishing experience that she had ever performed, especially since she would now have to hunt down her prey and hope that another predator would not come upon her wriggling morsel of food. A sigh overcame her body, and her gaze shifted to upstream, lids slitted with irritation. If it was some small prey that had caused the disturbance, then fish would not be the only thing that she would be eating today.

But instead it was a brute standing in the water, two fish dangling from his ivories, water dripping from his partially opened maw. His pelt was grey, but in the sunlight it shone like silver, and his dark gaze was laying upon her. From the distance, and with the glare of the sun, it was impossible to tell their color, but to Kahlan it seemed that they were bluer than the cold lake that the river led to. He seemed to be fully focused upon her, and despite her irritation that his own hunting had nearly lost her her meal – or perhaps HAD lost her the meal since she had yet to find it – she found that she was glad that she had chosen the river for her hunting place. The brute was handsome, and the way he observed her was flattering. She had received no such attention from a brute in… well… she had never received any attention from brutes. After her mother had raised her and then died, Kahlan had soon after found her brother, and since then it had been her and him against the world. Until now. Now he had a mate and a family of his own now that Channing had given birth.

Perhaps that was why she had chosen this spot. Out of loneliness. Not out of jealousy, for she would never be envious of her brother. All she felt was happiness for him and for the peace he had found. But she WAS lonely. Almost shyly, she approached the grey brute, a small smile forming on her maw. Thoughts of the salmon flopping in the bushes moved to the backburner of her mind. It could wait. Surely all of the other lupines in the area would be too busy making eyes at each other to notice a single fish flopping on the shore, especially since it was remarkably well hidden, completely by chance. Finally, she reached the brute, her own form small compared to his. Though she was certainly not a petite wolf, she was similar to other females in that she had a dantier frame. Her russet and grey pelt shone out in contrast to his silvered coat, and she stopped a few feet away, a comfortable distance. She was about to sit and make herself comfortable when she remembered that she was still standing the water, and embarrassingly moved her form to the shore where she shook out her fur.

There was a nice background to their meeting, a few river birds making a gentle chorus as they searched for their own mates and young and food. The gurgle of the brook made a soft percussion, a continually changing rhythm that was ever present. And then the lapping of the liquid against the shore, along with the occasional splash of a fish that jumped out of the running water. “Hello, I’m Kahlan. Nice catch you’ve got there.

||Kahlan|| ||No Mate|| ||Saw Tooth|| ||Adult|| ||*Azura*||


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