At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


&& you say i'm the perfect drug

It's no wonder she didn't see or smell me at first, she was too focused on her damned legs. I don't know why, all I know is that she's here in front of me and I must get to her. It's a good thing there's too much water in my face or I might actually notice the tear stains on her cheeks. As it is, I never said I was a graceful swimmer so I'm paddling, throwing water all over the place, including my face. I can tell she's staring at me though, like really staring, like wide eyed deer caught in the headlights staring. Dang, I'll have to get used to this. I got used to the blank emotionless glances, the bored expression, the cold shoulder. This look, well, it's enough to make my ego go sky high. It usually is, but something about Kohaku makes me feel more vulnerable than I ever have. I don't think about myself so much when I'm with her. There's no room for that, only thoughts of her.

She stands up and I keep paddling expectantly. Will she come into the water to greet me or wait patiently on the banks for me to reach her? Will she surprise me by leaping at me in excitement the minute I reach shore? Somehow, I doubt that there are many things about her suddenly called into question. Like that look she gave me when she first saw me. Or the way I hear my name being said like an awe inspiring whisper. It tickles my ear drums and soothes my soul. It twirls around in my gut and makes me feel strong and weak all at the same time. If only her lips were to whisper those words, I would be the happiest wolf alive.

Suddenly she steps forward into the water, as if waiting for me and my heart rate and breathing quicken. She's waiting for me. She continues to astound me. I try to make her out clearer, wanting to memorize her every curve and facet. She closes her eyes and I find myself wanting to reach her even faster, to nudge that beautiful chin and force those awe inspiring eyes to look at me. When she opens them again, I start noticing faint pink lines in what used to be clear as day eyes. My ears fold back instantly, a silent whine on my lips. Has she been crying? Why? And then my worst nightmare comes to life in my mind. Is it Llorana? Has she heard about her return? Does she know that we met up? Does she think that I'm leaving her? Worse yet, is she making the decision herself and leaving me? My heart crumbles a little at the thought.

She starts walking ever so slowly to me and I feel like she's reeling me in like a prize bass. I paddle with every fiber of strength in my body, yearning to get to her like my life depends on it. And finally I'm in front of her, panting and heaving, my sides moving in and out as water drips down my back and off my chin. My blue eyes bore into hers, trying to read her thoughts but as always, I'm left wanting and waiting. She's still a mystery to me. Silent questions probe my mind. What's wrong? Why the tears? Do you still love me? And yet only one word manages to make it past the filter to my lips. One word that sounds like nothing yet means so much.


Nikandros_male_adult_no mate_brother to Leonidas, Kaizer, Ariston & Nyrobi_Queens x Arcadian x Sidorio _prince of Malignant Felicity


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