The Lost Islands

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Horror caused this.

Why horror? Horror of what? As if questions could stop any of it, halt the angriest intrusion of all, ripping, raping, leaving me, leaving you, leaving all of us gutted, hollow, dying to die. Eventually I dial the screams out. Though they are still there. They'll always be there. Random, abrupt, loud, sometimes soft, sometimes even whistful.

As Bleu warms, I do not. I need something stronger. And I find it. What has been there all along, ancient, no not ancient, but primitive, primitive and pitiless. And even if I know to stop it. I have nothing else. I let it stretch inside me like an endless hallway.

And then I open the door.
And I let it all of the outside come in.

"We have got to go!!" Shouts Arcus loudly from her left. Right then Bleu screams and Arcus - despite his injuries - gallops straight down into the water to nudge her awake. Something has him spooked - spooked enough to be almost as scared now as he was when dreaming. "Bleu." He wuffs breathlessly, nudging at her with urgency. It was dark all around them but the black's eyes are so wide with fear they are white as stars when he looks down at her. And then, in a broken voice, "Come, please. Get up. Bleu, we have to go. Something is coming."

When he looks he sees it. There is that awul taste in his mouth again, sharp as rust, wrapping around his tongue. They are no longer alone again as extremely long fingers slip out of the dark. A sucking sound too. Sucking on teeth, teeth already torn from the gums. The eyes. They have no whites. The way they glisten they glisten red. Then it begins reaching for him, slowly unfolding itself out of the black between two trees, mad meat all of it...

These eyes are full of blood.

The rest is in pieces. A scream, a howl, a roar. All is warping or splintering. There's a terrible banging. He is caught in it, must run and hide from it, but he can't move (won't move). Not without her. The more he tries to escape the less he can breathe, the more he tries to hold onto what's real -- the less he can focus.

a l a c r a n
my heart is breaking from fear

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