aurora borealis- noun plural: An aurora that occurs in northern regions of the earth. Also called northern lights.

In the middle of a dense forest of coniferous trees lies the Aurora Borealis pack, its name coming from its location. At certain times of the year, the northern lights appear, dancing almost magically in the sky. A narrow trail leads you through the close evergreens. Giving into temptation, you begin moving your paws. By venturing into this territory, you are venturing into a land belonging to a pair of feared leaders. You have heard rumors of them...but you decide to take your chances and hope that the tales of blood and death are merely fabricated stories to scare wolves.

You have walked nearly five minutes before you realize the sound of paws stepping somewhere from behind. Deciding that you've made a mistake, you quickly turn around, but find that you cannot go any further. Standing before you is one of the mighty kings you've heard of. His blood red pelt clings over perfectly toned bands of muscle. But that isn't what causes such fear in your veins. One of his amber eyes has a horrid, bleeding scar across it, and his good eye seems to stare right through you. His face is expressionless, giving off none of his intentions. You cower away as his jaws part.

"I'm Hell Demon."

His voice was deep and cut through the air like a hot knife through butter. Right where he left off, another voice picks up from behind you. You whirl around and find yourself facing another male with steely muscles beneath his pelt, which seems to consist of every shade of brown. He had startled you, and you're amazed how you hadn't at all detected his approach.

"And I am Ghost...we're the alphas of Aurora Borealis."

His deep voice was laced thickly with a Native American accent. His own golden eyes are directing a harsh glare your way. Now you're caught in the middle...your breathing has become heavy in your panic and you're not sure which to face.

"You've foolishly trespassed into our territory. You face the one called Hell Demon's whose voice is once more addressing you. Get out, or become a corpse along our border."

It's obvious they mean business. So now it's up to you...take your chances and stay, or heed their warning and waste no time getting out with your life.


Lost in the Echo

Test My Will, Test My Heart


Confusion was clouding Adara’s mind. What was she to do? She wished there was a simple answer that would allow her to please everyone and not hurt anyone’s feelings, but that was not the way life worked. She didn’t want to force Rohan into a pack that he did not wish to join, but she didn’t want to leave the father she had just met, but she also wanted to stay with Aindreas. There were just too much going on, but she was thankful that Rohan was there by her side the whole time. As Kalgalath offered them both a home in Aurora Borealis, also stating that he would not be offended if they chose to leave with Aindreas instead, Rohan spoke, “My decision in never final until I know of my sisters purpose, but as I have promised you, Adara I will always stay by your side. If it your true wish to stay in Aurora Borealis with Father then I will stay with you. I will never leave you Adara, ever.” Relief flooded her mind hearing her brother’s words. The femme knew that he would not leave her but hearing the words stated out loud still made her feel a lot better. The silver fae leaned on her black pelted brother, thanking him for his words of support.

The topic changed momentarily to Kalgalath’s new mate, Zig, and the siblings all agreed that they would meet her before Aindreas offers the two other siblings a home in his pack, Munashii Gekko and Adara’s mind went to confusion once more. Luckily Rohan once again comforted her, stating again that he would stay with her, “Adara I promised you long ago that I would always stay by your side and as I had mentioned earlier I will stay with you and if it is your wish to stay at Aurora Borealis than I will stay too.” Adara spoke her confusing thoughts out loud, and was surprised to get a smile from Aindreas as he spoke, “We will get to know each other, dear sister, no matter where you choose to pick up residency. Be it here or in Munashii Gekko, I will come and find out, and we will become acquainted once more.” The silver femme returned the smile, very happy to have the support of her two siblings. Her mind was made up. She couldn’t leave Rohan, ever, and she didn’t want to abandon Aindreas as their mother had done to him so many years ago. Kalgalath said he would understand if they chose to go with Aindreas and she would make an effort to come and visit him and his new mate and Zig and to have a relationship with her father. “Thank you Aidnreas. Rohan, if you want, I think we should stay with Aindreas and go to Munashii Gekko. Father, I will come to visit you and Zig if you are still okay with that, and hopefully Rohan and Aindreas can join me sometimes? We could all still be family even if we aren’t in the same pack, right?” She left the question hanging in the air, hoping that the others would be ok with her suggestion.

Kalgalath continued the conversation, chuckling as he spoke, “So, kids…There is… one other bit of information that I should mention to you. In addition to taking a mate… I have adopted a daughter. I found her at Staircase Falls as a newborn, without even her eyes opened. I felt responsible for her well-being. She is still just a little thing, but I also would like all of you to meet her. And if you wanted, together we could be now what we could not be before. A family. We could use Blayre to figure out how to become a loving family, while at the same time providing to her a loving environment.” Adara’s blue eyes lit up, she loved pups! “Congratulations father! I would love to also meet little Blayre and help look after her, I could even be a big sister!” Her silver plume wagged, the thought of meeting Zig and Blayre excited Adara, and she hoped everything would be able to work out with the family.


|V| Adara |I| No Mate |O| No Pups |L| No Pack|E| Adult |T|


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