At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


{We are sick and we are tired.} Greensmurf/Whispers.

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’You're not going to make it like this, ya know.’ Twin towers flickered as the teens voice fluttered across the breeze. It was the first time Lycaon had heard her speak and he wasn’t overly thrilled. He had simply wanted to fight and leave; only making conversation with her when he had too, but apparently she had other ideas on the cards. A sigh emanated from his jaws as the naive femme tried to support his lumbering weight and being more irritable than usual, he didn’t hesitate to reveal his fangs with a threatening snarl. She was pushing her luck. As quickly as his jaws snapped she had flitted away from his side, clacking her teeth at him in return. A grumble slithered from his jaws as he continued to hobble out of the clearing and towards home, the stoic mask falling over his features as usual. ’Sure, be angry. It's not going to get you home any easier. I'm not about to beg for you to let me help you, but if you've got anyone waiting for you to get back then it's pretty fucking selfish for you to put your pride above making sure you get back to them.’ A lone aud turned to the origin of the voice anger bubbling in his body as her lyrics sunk in. He had no want nor need for her speech and it only served to fuel his annoyance more. ”Do you think this is the first time I have ever been injured, little bird?” He snapped the words in his usual sarcastic way. Whispers would quickly learn that this was simply Lycaon’s personality and he was severely pissed.

With the lesson clearly not sinking in, the ignorant vixen was once again at his side putting little distance between them in order to ‘help’ him home. His muzzle, now stemming of blood, ached though it was quickly forgotten as his limp piston and the painful injury on his neck fell into his mind. After all she had done, she was now playing the good Samaritan and helping him back to Cold Summers. Pfft, bitch! Ivories protruded from under the right side of his muzzle as his lip pulled back. It would be strange to snarl with only one side of his mouth but he would quickly learn and despite his usual ill-tempered personality he did nothing more than bare his canines. Female’s were becoming all the more stubborn these days and unfortunately it looked like Lycaon had found yet another one. Sighing with aggravation he dropped his head mumbling under his breath as the pair crawled from the battle arena.


Limping next to his new Alphess was a strange situation for the current Zeta, though he highly doubted that ranks would be kept. Once or twice his amber stargazers would fall onto her mangled muzzle and a sensation of pride would wash over him. It seemed that the pair had created and would always have a weird bond with each other, but it would take months for Lycaon to feel anything else but anger for the one that had paralysed him. Briefly his mind flickered to his daughter and of course her. Lolita would have a field day when they finally arrived home, god help the new queen. The male was not sure how the pack would react to this whole situation but all Lycaon wanted to do was get home and hideaway in the shadows of his den. The welcome party that had greeted him when he had first joined Cold Summers would not be appreciated in this current setting and he could not be held responsible for his, vicious, actions.

Silence wrapped its eerie yet convivial arms around the two in a gentle embrace. The towering male had no need for words and treasured every minute that the female kept her mouth shut. Body language said more than enough and Ly was tired and incensed. Still his muscles were tensed and his claws retracted and unsheathed in a fluent pattern. The fight had finished but that didn’t mean he had to be happy about her being with him. The same path that he had taken only minutes to cover before the fight now seemed to grow and move beneath his paws. Twists and turns that weren’t apparent to him before now stuck out like venomous vipers, shooting and spitting at him and suddenly it got too much. The male stopped dead, panting heavily as the air stung his open wound. Familiar sounds of a place he had been before called to his ears with sickly sweet tones. ”I’m going to the lake, do what you wish.” His baritone lyrics made the statement sound that little bit more blunt. He didn’t care for the vixen, nor was he bothered how she spent her time. With the statement burning the breeze, he turned slowly wincing as he caught his hanging limb on an out jutting branch. Things were not playing well in the lass’ favour.

Not long after he realised where he was, his giant bodice emerged from the bushes. The sun burnt his eyes causing him to blink a few times until it hurt no more. The gentle splashes of the lake seduced him like the sirens of the high seas drawing him to the refreshing liquid. Ly hauled his aching weight to the bank, falling with yet another thud to the ground. His paws, stroked by the current, fell into the water and like a ravenous demon he took to drinking. When he finally lifted his head water fell from his jaws, dampening the fur on his neck and chest. His body pulsated and throbbed but it was nothing he couldn’t handle. He had been in worse scraps than this- except this time, he hadn’t been victorious and had ended with an injury that would stunt life, maybe forever.

Lycaon | Adult Male | Cold Summers Zeta | No Mate | Father to Apollonia | xhollowremains.


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