aurora borealis- noun plural: An aurora that occurs in northern regions of the earth. Also called northern lights.

In the middle of a dense forest of coniferous trees lies the Aurora Borealis pack, its name coming from its location. At certain times of the year, the northern lights appear, dancing almost magically in the sky. A narrow trail leads you through the close evergreens. Giving into temptation, you begin moving your paws. By venturing into this territory, you are venturing into a land belonging to a pair of feared leaders. You have heard rumors of them...but you decide to take your chances and hope that the tales of blood and death are merely fabricated stories to scare wolves.

You have walked nearly five minutes before you realize the sound of paws stepping somewhere from behind. Deciding that you've made a mistake, you quickly turn around, but find that you cannot go any further. Standing before you is one of the mighty kings you've heard of. His blood red pelt clings over perfectly toned bands of muscle. But that isn't what causes such fear in your veins. One of his amber eyes has a horrid, bleeding scar across it, and his good eye seems to stare right through you. His face is expressionless, giving off none of his intentions. You cower away as his jaws part.

"I'm Hell Demon."

His voice was deep and cut through the air like a hot knife through butter. Right where he left off, another voice picks up from behind you. You whirl around and find yourself facing another male with steely muscles beneath his pelt, which seems to consist of every shade of brown. He had startled you, and you're amazed how you hadn't at all detected his approach.

"And I am Ghost...we're the alphas of Aurora Borealis."

His deep voice was laced thickly with a Native American accent. His own golden eyes are directing a harsh glare your way. Now you're caught in the middle...your breathing has become heavy in your panic and you're not sure which to face.

"You've foolishly trespassed into our territory. You face the one called Hell Demon's whose voice is once more addressing you. Get out, or become a corpse along our border."

It's obvious they mean business. So now it's up to you...take your chances and stay, or heed their warning and waste no time getting out with your life.


high on life;;{open}


The spirited sight of an ashen zeta pranced confidently through the pack’s kingdom; her limbs scaling the length of the territory. She discovered herself now in the heart of the land; frolicking cheerfully in the land of Aurora’s packs meetings. Leila travelled slowly, allowing herself to absorb all the captivating sights that surrounded her. In her happiness, the darkened maiden’s tail swayed gently behind her. Soft breezes graced the afternoon air and although neither cold nor hot it seemed to successfully mellow the power of the sun’s beating rays. Leila’s fiery gaze traced the sky, stained by the frothiness of many clouds. A light indigo hue nudged through the gaps, announcing their presence from beneath the pallid hazes. She could see black silhouettes of birds mounting the sky; soaring and swooping, forgetting their worry in a frisky endeavour. Leila hadn’t a plan for the day but she knew she favoured the thought of company above all. She also knew however, that she hadn’t taken the time to thoroughly explore the land; only knowing of the main points of the kingdom. She needed to perhaps discover her own space… that was also a clear possibility in her plans.

The charred maiden had been spending much of her time with her dear friend, Hellene. It was new to her; having a friend and even more peculiar that it was not a brute. A few months ago she would have been flaunting a boy upon her side; smiling sweetly, innocently. The attention of brutes was no longer important to her anymore… suddenly the pack was her responsibility… her life. Of course, this wouldn’t affect her flirtation; it certainly wouldn’t mean that she would reject an invitation to dance. The only difference was that Leila no longer left to scale Blossom Forest seeking for some amusement, some… entertainment. If she grew up alone – who cared? She was free, she was happy and she could have all she desired.

Her thoughts slowly dawdled onto the topic of her King; she hadn’t laid eyes on him since the meeting a few weeks ago. It saddened her to think that she was losing contact with one of her friends but she understood that she had many things to sort out. He had the responsibility of the pack and his own personal matters. The charcoal enchantress’ nostrils flared, releasing cool air that melded into the atmosphere. She had heard rumours of the infamous Nika; although she knew them to be truth as she would often catch snippets of stranger’s scents flowing through the air. As far as Leila knew, she was Kal’s old lover and mate; alone with his offspring. What a naughty boy – he certainly kept that secret. Other than that however, she knew nothing else. Zig of course had seemed to have a strong effect upon him and Leila wondered if she had been taken as his mate; a new queen perhaps? And then there was the pup… A lot of responsibility for one wolf but perhaps it would be shared between two soon… The maiden hoped so; she would send no ill wishes his way. She would never gossip though, what right did she have? Although it was a big wish of hers… man being mature was difficult.

After wondering aimlessly, making half-hearted decisions and cancelling upon them, Leila finally decided to take the route to stream where Hellene had shown her. Her paws thumped repeatedly against the ground; almost rhythmically produced. The doe darted gracefully within the woods, her body ducking and dodging – all the time hoping she was taking the correct direction. She discovered soon enough, however, that she was as the trees thinned and opened into a sweet little scene. Leila’s quickness came to a stop as she moved the short distance in elegant steps. Her head ducked to lap up the clear water. A pink tongue finally finished with a satisfied lick. Now she just needed some company – she just hoped that if anyone arrived they wouldn’t ask her to fish!

Word Count: 670
OOC: Leila-la-la is at your service!

Leila | Pupless | Loveless | Aurora Borealis - Zeta | Young Adult


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