At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


One Step Closer

One Step Closer to the Edge and I’m About to Break


As Mezic listened intently, something that was very difficult for the young teen, a smile appeared on his kissers listening to his friend. He reiterated some of her words, making sure that she knew that he was listening to her. He smiled his goofy smile at her and she giggled and smiled back, making the brute wag his tail happily, he loved it when she smiled, it really showed how pretty she was. ”Shush you. Don’t put yourself down. You’ve got everything so far, you will just have to put it into practice but we can do that later. Ummmm, let me think.” Her words of praise, even if they didn’t seem like praise to her, made him happy. He had no parent figures in his life to praise him when he was a pup so having any praise now made him feel really happy and proud, especially since it was a friend he cherished.

Dib continued speaking as Mezic once again forced his body to stay still while he listened,
”I suppose we are done with border things and how to talk to others but there is still much to learn. In order to be a good pack member you need to help the pack in every way you possibly can. Wandering up and down the borders can be a fantastic way to get yourself noticed. Though you may not be able to accept wolves, it proves to the Alpha’s that you are keen to keep the pack alive and can deal with responsibility.” Her emerald orbs met his large amber ones as she continued,”There may come a time when the packs royalty ask members to step forward and volunteer for certain jobs, missions or quests that need doing in and out of the terra. This can include scouting other packs, sending messages or simply patrolling the borders. Whatever the job is, but only if you feel you can do it, step forwards. Put yourself up for the jobs and build up the trust the King and, or, Queen have for you. All these things will get you rewarded and respected within the pack. If there are other wolves sat alone in the terra go and speak to them. Make yourself known throughout the pack and you never know you could end up with a rank.” The thought of getting a ranked excited the adolescent, he would do everything he could to prove to his pack that he was a good member. He wasn’t sure how things would work out though since the alpha of Cold Summers had just died and another pack member was fighting a challenger. Everyone was still waiting to see who would come back with the throne. “I would love to be ranked! I will make sure to do all that to show them that, I just don’t know who will be in charge with everything going on at Cold Summers right now.” He had no idea if Dib knew about the challenges the pack was facing, but he certainly was not hiding it from his friend.

Mezic watched as Dib tried to soothe her disabled leg and he hoped that she was not in too much pain. “Are you okay? Is there anything I can do to help?” The brute couldn’t think of anything he could do to ease her pain, but maybe she could tell him something. He would certainly do anything that she asked of him. She continued on with her advice for the brute, ”When you go and speak to others in the pack, there is a good technique that you can use to decide whether they want to be spoken to; reading body language. Stay hidden in the surrounding area and watch what they are doing. You can pick up the tension in their muscles or the relaxed manner in their stance. Either way this will help you avoid a telling off.” She paused in her speech as she moved her bodice so she was directly facing him and he cocked his head, curious to hear what was on her mind. ”But most of all, never change. Always have fun! And if we make a point of meeting up regularly we can be ourselves without having to dampen our spirits.” She bumped him playfully with her words and he smiled at her, brushing up against her as he laughed, speaking easily, “I could never change don’t worry! Thank you for all the advice, I hope I can remember how to act now around others.” He looked at her sheepishly, his memory was not the best but he would do his best to put her advice into practice.


|V| Mezic |I| No Mate |O| No Pups |L| Cold Summers|E| Young Teen |T|

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