aurora borealis- noun plural: An aurora that occurs in northern regions of the earth. Also called northern lights.

In the middle of a dense forest of coniferous trees lies the Aurora Borealis pack, its name coming from its location. At certain times of the year, the northern lights appear, dancing almost magically in the sky. A narrow trail leads you through the close evergreens. Giving into temptation, you begin moving your paws. By venturing into this territory, you are venturing into a land belonging to a pair of feared leaders. You have heard rumors of them...but you decide to take your chances and hope that the tales of blood and death are merely fabricated stories to scare wolves.

You have walked nearly five minutes before you realize the sound of paws stepping somewhere from behind. Deciding that you've made a mistake, you quickly turn around, but find that you cannot go any further. Standing before you is one of the mighty kings you've heard of. His blood red pelt clings over perfectly toned bands of muscle. But that isn't what causes such fear in your veins. One of his amber eyes has a horrid, bleeding scar across it, and his good eye seems to stare right through you. His face is expressionless, giving off none of his intentions. You cower away as his jaws part.

"I'm Hell Demon."

His voice was deep and cut through the air like a hot knife through butter. Right where he left off, another voice picks up from behind you. You whirl around and find yourself facing another male with steely muscles beneath his pelt, which seems to consist of every shade of brown. He had startled you, and you're amazed how you hadn't at all detected his approach.

"And I am Ghost...we're the alphas of Aurora Borealis."

His deep voice was laced thickly with a Native American accent. His own golden eyes are directing a harsh glare your way. Now you're caught in the middle...your breathing has become heavy in your panic and you're not sure which to face.

"You've foolishly trespassed into our territory. You face the one called Hell Demon's whose voice is once more addressing you. Get out, or become a corpse along our border."

It's obvious they mean business. So now it's up to you...take your chances and stay, or heed their warning and waste no time getting out with your life.


Loyal Til Death

 photo Kalgalath_zps78b9da12.jpg

Loyalty means nothing unless it has at its heart the absolute principle of self-sacrifice


At his approach, her auds flattened and her plume lowered slightly. Her vocals rang out and Kalgalath kept his icy arctics lain upon her, slitted. Hello. I am known as Wednesday. That is the smell of a wolf who enjoys living, and catching prey. Her words were almost spoken in a joking manner, yet she spoke in a clipped manner. Kalgalath allowed his cranium to tip just slightly, but then she nodded her head at his words. All was silent for a minute, before she opened her maw in reply. It was dark when I arrived at this place, I was told it is called Blossom Forest. Am I wrong to assume this? The mottled grey brute nodded, and opened his own maw. His deep vocals escaped from his throat. “Aye, this is indeed Blossom Forest.” The fae’s plume wrapped around herself and she continued on with her monologue. I simply wish to stay for a while. Once again, I am assuming that you allow others to join your pack. She sounded amused and Kalgalath scowled.

A strong frigid breeze wound its way through the land and he watched as there was no response from the fae. It was only after the breeze ceased that she shook out her pelt once, clearly not a shivering from the cold. She had leaned into the wind, her lids almost completely closed. Kalgalath remained stoic, the breeze pelting against him strongly but not enough to cause him to move. His eyes roam over her, examining her. After a few moments of silence, he responds to her comment. “I do allow new members into my pack. However, my pack’s safety is my top priority and require more information from you. From where do you come and what has brought you to this place? To MY pack? And in what way can you benefit my pack?

He does not blink, keeping his gaze upon her, waiting for her response. She was still not an adult, and he wondered for what reason she was alone. Why did she not have a pack? The sky suddenly lightens and the brute blinks suddenly as the sun just slightly peaks over the treetops. Its bright rays brighten the forest and Kalgalath uses the new light to examine her once more, anew.
**adult*male*ALPHA - Aurora Borealis*tied to none*Azura**
table (c) CRS '13


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