At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


What is Dead May Never Die

Family. Duty. Honor.


The smoky brute was making his way slowly around the lake, enjoying the cool breeze that ruffled his thick pelt. He was still new to Blossom and this was his first time exploring the area around the lake. He now knew the area of his pack, Bright Moon, fairly well, but he still did not have anyone that he could call a friend. Summer was hoping that by going out to other places he may meet other wolves that he could befriend, even if they were not packmates. His large ears were perked, listening to the sounds around the lake, the water lapping at the rocks, lupines around talking. It was a very calm and relaxing night. The brute enjoyed the night, it was calming to him.

As the titan walked alone thoughts went back to his family. He had not seen any of his siblings since they were pups as most of them had been split up. Summer was the second youngest and he greatly missed his big brothers, Grey Wind and Ghost. This was the first time since puphood that he had not been with his younger brother, Rickon. Him and Rickon had been very close; Summer was always there to protect him when the older ones all had to leave and he hoped that Rickon was still safe. He sighed, not wanting to be unhappy and worried yet again. Summer was usually a fun and even goofy lupine, but he hadn’t been that way since he had been separated from his siblings.

As Summer walked lazily about he came across a silvery pup with blue orbs, watching the sky and looking around. The brute looked around to see if there was anyone with the pup or if he was alone like he appeared to be. He hoped that the pup was not lost and decided to go over and say hello and offer any assistance if need be. Summer’s large paws stepped heavily on the ground as he approached, not wanting to startle the pup by walking silently like he had been taught. When he was close enough to speak comfortable he sat down, making himself more at the pups level to talk, “Hello there. My name is Summer, are you here all alone?” The silver smoky brute smiled and wagged his plume, letting the pup know that he was no threat.


|V| Summer |I| No Mate |O| No Pups |L| No Pack|E| Adult |T|

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