At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


your knight in rainbow armour;;

your knight in rainbow armour

When the pair arrived, Yoki decided to take lead. And though her movement was swift and prompt, Amatus continued to walk slowly; absorbing the scenery with a gaze of indulgence. Leisure Lake was such a place that reminded him greatly of his birth pack and though he no longer saw it as his home, he always basked in the sweet memories. But as his gaze fell upon his ashen maiden gesturing for his presence, he quickened his pace so that he would not disappoint her. Upon his lips, a small smile rested as he walked and even as he sat; gazing into the distance he felt nothing but peace.

His delicate, thoughtful eyes turned to his mate; adoration was clear in the way he gazed upon her. “I do hope that you did not wish to remain in Esubi’s company. She was indeed pleasant to be around but I did feel the conversations beginning to dry up. The last thing we needed was awkwardness.” Here, he allowed a deep throaty chuckle to rumble from his vocals. “Besides, it is rather lovely here.”

His tawny gaze fell gently upon the wolves that had embarked upon a trip here. And though Yoki’s chilling tale of her past remained embedded in his mind he could not help but linger upon the frolicking pups. He had never discussed the future with her; he had always felt too uncertain to inquire what it may have held for them. Though the thought of a family swelled his heart with beating excitement, he knew the same may not be met by Yoki. Of course, Amatus would always remain by her side and he could never think of pressuring her into something that she wasn’t comfortable with. But pups; he could see their little clumsy bodies just bouncing about without a slight care and it filled him with a warmth he knew could never be deterred, only subdued. But he would never ask, nor even suggest to Yoki for she was a delicate creature whose heart with black with dread. To grow old with her was enough for him, despite his mind wondering to the future occasionally.

Excitement from earlier still rested lightly upon his mind; he and Yoki it seemed had advanced up the ladder to the ranking of Gamma. Amatus didn’t exactly understand why but he suspected the reason was because of Yoki; she had assisted Albiorix to Saw Tooth. Whereas, he had indulged into a slow stroll around the borders for his duty, his task had been far easier. Or perhaps, he thought, it was because they were a good example to other pack members. They were both friendly and though no one - but he- knew it, Yoki had overcome many challenges in her life. It could have been the fact that they had lived in the kingdom for a fair bit of time. He may have been good at conversations but he had not done a lot of the pack recently. “So Yoki,” he beamed, pallid teeth revealed at the tugging corners of his maw. “What is your opinion on our new rank? It is certainly pleasing news to my ears though I am unsure of what we have done for such an honour. Still, I’m not complaining.” A broad stroke of his tongue brushed across Yoki’s head.



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