At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


We Were Born To Break Doors Down

.: Female .:. mate .:. pups .:. pack
.:. PixieEclipse :.

Dainty auds had twitched ever so slightly as they heard an approach, paired with a unfamiliar aroma that only moved closer by the second. A silent sigh escaped her closed jaws, considering her perfect day to have been ruined by whoever had decided to so brazenly interrupt her. After her last little expedition and meeting RoeVy, Astarte had had enough of others to last her a lifetime. She'd simply reply with a remark that was polite on the surface, but guaranteed to cut, then be on her way. That was, until she heard the vile that spilled from said strangers maw.

”My, my, my. I have travelled to the ends of the earth and never seen a damsel as pretty as you.” Turning her elegant head to glance at the newcomer with disdain, she was momentarily startled, before hiding under her calm composure once more. Well, well, well...It seemed that there was other kaliks in these lands after all. Caramel stargazers met chocolate ones, and she tilted her cranium ever so slightly, slowly taking in the tall and auburn form. "Should I barf now, or later...?" She inquired with a clear aura of disgust. Ivories flashed in warning as the young assassin gave the 'pretty boy' a look that clearly said two words: Back. Up. Her tassel flicked threateningly, uncomfortable with the way he had instantly disregarded her personal space.

The femme fatale kept her eyes carefully forward as he strutted around her, obviously intent on showing off a little before continuing his little...attempt at flirting. A groan nearly escaped her kissers, and not a happy one either; dear god, why must she be stuck with one so obviously narcissistic? Once he had finished his walk, she was once again forced to listen to the complete and utter bullshit that escaped that oh so pretty jawline. ”So tell me, princess, what is your name?” The pet name reinforced her earlier thoughts; seriously, the males she had met around here so far made her want to vomit. What the hell did he think, that she was some kind of princess in distress who needed someone to come save her? Rolling her eyes, she caught his gaze, staring at him with murderous intensity. "First off, pretty boy: Fuck you. Second of all, if you want to keep that gorgeous face intact, I'd suggest backing up." With that, she gave him the sweetest smile she could muster up. He had fair warning now, she reasoned. If he didn't back away slowly...Well, she'd warned him right?

.: A S T A R T E :.
 photo Astarte_zps31f421a0.jpg


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