i write these letters to " />
The Lost Islands

i write these letters to you but they get lost in the blue

You and I, we will always somehow be connected no?” smiling and nodding Sylvia stood frozen in time. Midas was beside her once more and together they stood resting near the harbour’s shoreline. Breathing in she could smell him again and feel his warmth caressing her skin. It brought a smile to her lips as she moved her nose to the crease of his nape. She felt herself getting ready to respond to his thought when she was pulled out of her slumber. Groaning when her eyelids opened and the dull light stung her gaze Sylvia squeezed them shut desperately wanting to go back into her memory. It was one of many that had been haunting her in her sleep and this time it was an actually conversation they had. He had said that the same day he asked her to stand by his side as his queen. The memory although very painful brought joy now as she remembered it silently also listening to the gentle waves race towards the snowy ground.

The ding of hoolves against whisps of rocks caught Sylvia attention making her open her eyes again. Looking around slowly they laid on a copper splashed brute who turned from the waves and headed directly towards her. Judging by his physic stance Sylvia doubted the male realized she was ahead of him and with that she side stepped out of his direct way. His image fit of what the pale mare Mercedes explained a few days ago when they had spoken. He was strikingly red with just enough white to sooth the fire over. Sylvia however being stronger then she was when she spoke to the girl still wasn’t seeking out conversation which was why she moved out of the stallions way. Surely he would notice her and either stop to question her or greet her. A small part of her was curious if he’d continue on his way being completely oblivious of her in which case he’d be like her in the respect completely unaware of his surroundings due to an internal war.

Only death and love change all things


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