At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


I'm nothing but a broken angel.


Despite his leisurely gait and thoughtful gaze, Amatus, who had clearly been admiring the scenery, was soon by her side allowing his lanterns to fall over her form in a caring and tender way. In her past life, the dull maiden would have shivered and squirmed under the gaze of a male but his eyes upon her face no longer caused pain or discomfort, instead it filled her with a sense of belonging and protection. It was as if, for just a few moments, that the angel was still intact and her wings were still plentiful and white; as if she had never been through the abuse and torture that had swallowed her pup-hood in one terrible gulp. And then reality would drag her, claws scraping along the floor, back into the darkness that lined the edges of her vision- threatening to engulf her mind and cloud it forever. But Amatus brought with him light. A light that frightened the darkness away in a screaming twister and fought it each and every time it pushed its way back. And as that perfect smile fell upon his kissers, once more for her only, the nightmares subsided and drifted away leaving nothing but clouds and flowers.

Slender ears perked as full and baritone lyrics kissed her auds with a delicate grace. His rumbling laughter was enough to pull a sincere grin onto her lips and her eyes fell on his handsome features. ”I agree, she was lovely but I thought you took the opportune moment to excuse yourself.” A small, girlish giggle slipped through her jaws. ”Yes it is lovely.” Her lanterns, that had been fixed on the multi-hued mask of her knight, moved slowly over the terrain taking in the sight of the water, sky, clouds, trees and of course other wolves. There chosen seating area, was more secluded allowing the pair to have a private chat without any unwanted visitors hearing. It also meant that they would see anyone approaching which helped to make the maid feel more comfortable outside of the packs borders. She had picked up the demons scent on many different occasions and after her last adventure out of the pack, she had chosen to stay deep within the heart of the territory, in the couples den or in the presence of her protector. She would not allow herself to be dragged back into his clutches and clients, not for one more second. Specks of black clouded her vision growing bigger and bigger with each thought of that evil bastard. Until, after a full circle of the lake, her stargazers once again landed on the tawny eyes of her beloved and slowly the darkness drifted away.

Soon enough more words flowed across the breeze towards her listeners and just like she always did, when Amatus told his remarkable yarns, she listened with wide eyes and pure focus. She hung on every single word the male pronounced and found that on more than one occasion she would stare clearly at him. Tales of his life, before he met her, where favourites of hers as they gave her ideas of what their future could be like, however they also reminded her that she had never had the upbringing he had. ”I don’t quite know what to think of it yet. I don’t know if I can live up to the title. It is a rather pleasing thought though. To be ranked as Gamma, when I had never even lived in a pack...” She paused, gulping slightly. ”A proper pack anyway. I think it will be just fine, as long as Albiorix comes home safely.” As his tongue touched her head, she leaned gently into him, nuzzling against his chest as she always did. ”What did I do to deserve a chance with you?” Slowly her tongue caressed his mandible allowing it to linger slightly as it reached the tip of his chin and she moved her head back into the crease of his throat.


i'm nothing but a broken angel;;
Word Count: 665

Yoki | Pupless | Tied to Amatus | Female | Adult | Spring Grounds Gamma | xhollowremains.


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