At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


There are no life, the monsters win

There is No Honor in Tricks


The small framed fae walked towards the lake, lapping at the cool water before she turned and looked around to see if there were other lupines around. Lady shook out her silky grey fur, her yellow orbs looking around. She watched for a bit as another femme jumped at a boulder, trying to get around for reasons unknown to Lady. She thought the silver ess looked ridiculous jumping around like some fool pup would. The ess then swam into the cold water and Lady shivered at the thought of swimming in the frigid water. She was very confused as to what the stranger was doing as she swam near the rock and then made her way back to the shore. Lady never understood half the things other lupines did, especially her silly sister.

As Lady approached the stranger the silver femme spun around much faster than Lady had anticipated and it startled her for a moment. She did not let the stranger know she had startled her of course, keeping her face relaxed and her plume held high. Lady asked the stranger if she had seen Nymeria around, her annoying sister was still missing, and the femme raised a brow as she answered, “Sorry, princess. I really don’t think anyone of you ranking should deserve to come to a place like this. I must apologize, I haven’t seen her. Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Macartni.” Lady could hear the sarcasm dripping from her vocals and it annoyed her. She didn’t like the way she said princess, it wasn’t the way she was usually talked to when she had been a true princess at home. All that was behind her now and she had to remember that she was just a common wolf around here with no power. She didn’t like the idea of living the common life instead of the royal one she was used to, but there was no way for her to change that at the moment.

The vixen wasn’t sure if she should apologize for being rude to the stranger now known as Macartni, but she decided against it for the time being as she saw Macartni’s orbs wander back to the rock she had been exploring. Lady decided to continue on with the conversation as if she wasn’t offended by the tone of the stranger’s vocals, “Hello Macartni. What are you trying to do anyways?” A quizzical look on her face as she forced herself to lower her tail to a relaxed state, letting it rest against her bodice as she waited to hear what this interesting wolf was up to.


**Lady**No Mate**No Pups**No Pack**Older Teen**Sister of Nymeria, Grey Wind, Summer, Rickon, and Ghost**Violet


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