Re(1): Sighting in Rhode Island

Panthers in Rhode Island are a certainty. I now live in Florida but grew up in Richmond RI and majored in wildlife biology and mngmt at the university of ri. I'm very familiar with these animals and back in I would say 1990 my mother and I both witnessed a panther cross in front of our vehicle on glen rock rd. it was a 100% accurate identification . We both looked at each other as it crossed snd were shocked . It was basically in the sticks as I wood call it crossing from the turf field into the forest at a high density deer location. Whether it was just passing through or had an established home range I have no idea . ... But this was no bobcat, large housecoat , nor Fischer cat. I truely believe you saw a legitimate panther. The one I saw had the tell tail light blond body and was ptob 85 lbs or so snd it's back was about as high as my waist.


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