A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


A Mistake... Thats All I Am.

I let out a pained grunt, limping to the river with a huge gash ruggedly slicing my shoulder to my haunches. 'So this is how I die... still mute and taken down by a cougar.' I thought sadly. I finally just flopped into a sandy dip where the water was shallow. A long string of metallic red liquid went sliding down the river, turning the water around it a pale red. My white, seemingly masked face lowered until my chin was on the damp bank of the river. My eyelids suddenly became heavy as I felt the firm clutch of speep tugging me to the contorting darkness. A single sigh escaped my lips before my eyes finally fully closed. 'I'm a disgrace to this planet... a waste of air.' Was the last thought that slipped my mind as I fell asleep.


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