The Lost Islands

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For Meggie

 photo indychange_zpsa80877b9.png

The girl is not fearful of Cream which is a good sign. Not that the buckskin mare could really pose a threat with her swollen belly that weighed her down causing her reactions to be slower. In fact it only dawned on her now how much of a risk she had taken on coming to this island. Her nature to do the things upon a whim always came without thought and now it seemed she was finally thinking. Cream would need to do more of that from now on if she was going to be a good mother. Her last attempt had been a fail, surely she would not make the same mistakes twice.

“My name is Cream” she replied giving a faint nod of her head, the gentle smile never leaving her ebony lips. It was a genuine smile that not many had that even touched her doe brown eyes. But everything had a different side and so easily could she slip into an angered expression given the right push. But today was not that day, or at least the mare hoped not.

A sudden sharp pain in her side made Cream flinch. The foal had kicked and sometimes she wondered if it was trying to break her ribs. The thought of having to birth it also made her nervous as she was a lot larger than she had been while carrying Soda. But this was not her first foal and so it shouldn’t be too difficult. “I’m sorry” she murmured for the face she had made. “The foal is being frisky I suppose” Glancing off from the mare she spotted a spot beneath a tree that another horse had been standing at. Although it was vacant now the snow had been stomped away for the most part. Resting her legs sounded like a good idea to her and maybe get the foal to settle down. Looking back to the mare she gave a faint nod towards the tree. “I think I’m going to go rest. You are welcome to join me”

mare | mutt | chestnut appaloosa | 16hhs
html by shiva; edited by frost | played by Meggieboo

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