At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


I'm nothing but a broken angel.


Eyes widened at the sound of his voice. His scent, vile and sickening, washed over her nares in a dazing quantity making her head spin. Her legs, usually steady and solid, turned to jelly beneath her form and once or twice she almost buckled, her chest plummeting to the ground with a nauseating feel of butterflies. Trembles of fear wracked her form like the currents of a waterfall dragging her down, deeper and deeper to the dark abyss that threatened to swallow her whole. Closer and closer she moved to the looming black hole and in a matter of seconds, everything went quiet. Short intakes of air pierced her chest with sharp pains as his scent intoxicated her nares, her lungs, her entire being. And then the world exploded around her. Sounds, scents and pictures rushed round her head in a deafening blur causing her to gip and shudder. Aches pulsed through her cranium as her chest was forced in and out in an erratic motion. He couldn’t be here. He just couldn’t. His scent had lingered about the pack lands for many moons now, but no attempt of interaction had been made and yet he was here before her. Black paws carried him smoothly from the bushes that surrounded them; his devilish amber orbs, much like her own, studying her form like a possession. But it was true. That was what her existence had been made for... to be his possession. And now it was time for him to regain his lost treasure, locking her away from the world until the end of her days.

As if instincts had taken over his whole form, Amatus was soon on his feet, muscles tensed under his think mottled coat. Growls and snarls erupted from the males as warning signals to the other. Words, like poisoned arrows, shot back and forth causing the maidens ears to fall flat against her head. They hurt, stung, pounded against her body like an ice cold downpour that soaked you to your skin. Tones and words that she had never heard fall from her knight’s mouth dripped like blood from his jaws, threatening tone leaking from his form. Yet she could do nothing. Her limbs would not move, not even an inch. Amber orbs flickered backwards and forwards, from Amatus to him and back again. Both were evenly matched should a fight break out. Amatus had love on his side, but he had something much more powerful- darkness. He got what he wanted and it had always been that way. ’Stand back, my dearest Yoki, I will make sure he harms no more.’ Words echoed round her mind, filled with love and the promise of protection and though she believed the oath was true, she couldn’t help but feel something. An emotion deep within her heart that made it snap and break like the thinnest twig under her paws. The promise had already been broken. He had already harmed her and the sight and knowledge that he was before her caused her more pain than Amatus would ever know. And he would find a way of hurting the knight too.

Quaking paws finally moved, tripping and stumbling towards the rainbow wolfs side, and catching herself just before she fell back into the clutches of her father’s evil paws. Her shoulder gently pressed against her mate’s in an attempt to solidify the fact that he was here and that he wouldn’t vanish any time soon. For the first time since his unveiling her amber orbs traced the face that had haunted her nightmares. Those amber orbs, identical to hers, glinted with wickedness she had never thought possible. His frame was much larger than hers yet it held the same black coat she had been born with. To see him and to think that she had been tainted with the same tarred brush made her stomach twist. She wanted nothing to do with him and his perverted ways and yet every time her reflection fell upon the cascades of water, she saw him. He was part of her.

Stuttering lyrics laced with hatred, poured from her vocal tract as she stood her ground at her mate’s side, her eyes never once leaving those of her sires. ”Why... Are you here?” Did she even need to ask? It was painfully clear what malicious plans he had stored away in his mind and she had always known that one day he would find her. Slowly the vixen felt herself regressing into the nervous aggressive soldier she had been when Amatus had first encountered her. It seemed that the monster had that affect on her and she wondered briefly if she would ever be free from it.


i'm nothing but a broken angel;;
Word Count: 786

Yoki | Pupless | Tied to Amatus | Female | Adult | Spring Grounds Gamma | xhollowremains.


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