At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


Daddy's gonna sing you a lullaby

Male/8 years/Bound to Unknown/Beyond the Forest/Candy
Go little girl,

The look on the Amatus's face was instantly protective. Yurigana tried to show some... manners, politeness? Yet when someone came between him and his daughter he always, always won. Once or twice a brute wouldn't let his daughter back to him... let's just say they suffered horribly, a terrible death. Yuri's amber eyes glowed maliciously, and he no more tried to hide his true nature. When Amatus challenged him to leave, it drew a laugh from Yoki's father. Well, my dear lad, hasn't Yoki ever told you? I always win. Yuri's eyes flashed, and within a few seconds, he was on Amatus.
Daddy's gonna sing you a lullaby...

The black brute slammed his daughter with his heavy body, sure to knock the wind out of her for a few moments, which would be all the time he needed. Yurigana lunged towards the brute's ribs, hoping to tear the flesh open and expose his bone. He then continually lunged at Amatus, just trying to draw blood and harm him. Between lunges, the obsidian titan threw out lies. She never loved you, boy, and she never will. I was just trying to help you, but now you came in the way of the monster my daughter is... you should have ran well you could! He snarled, his voice raspy as he lied. The effect Yurigana gave Yoki is what he needed, his daughter seemed timid and nervous, scared and scarred around him. He just wanted to harm Amatus to show Yoki his capabilities. Not necessarily kill him, not yet, anyways...


Sooo... if you don't like what happens in this post I can change it. If Amatus could get a huge scratch across his face and make one of his eyes all... blech, that'd be great. But you said you wanted Amatus badly hurt too, soo... Take the damage you want and explain it in the next post. I didn't want to powerplay.



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