The Lost Islands

'Cause love comes slow and it goes so fast [Fundy]

It felt strange to walk along the shore again, to feel the cold wet sand under her hooves. It had been a while since she's been in the open as well, having taken to making her home further inland, away from the others, but what were her reasons for this? Well for starters, she had her babe, a bouncing baby girl you could say. For a while Cru wanted nothing to do with the filly, but it was hard to ignore something that was just as beautiful as its mother, and so Cru babied and taught her new charge everything, without the distraction of the outer world. Now that the girl grew of age Cru wanted to send her off into the world, but first, she was to meet the stallion of these lands, who had no clue about lynn, her daughter. He'd seen her when she was fully pregnant, but never after when the filly frolicked about, well...except for a few days ago. That meeting had been a surprise for both, though they hardly talked. Both had taken advantage of the changing of seasons. Soon after Crusae took off, back to her anxious daughter. The girl smelled another horse on her Dam, and could not contain her questions.

So this is why we are here at the beach, a place where the painted man sometimes spent his days. Today Lynn would meet her first stallion, and Crusae could only hope for the best, though she reminded her daughter to keep her distance, the young girl's own heat was like a beacon of light to the opposite sex, which is probably why she was going to ask Fundy for extra protection for her firstborn, just until the seasons changed again.

"I don't see anyone mother", Lynn finally spoke, breaking through the dark mare's thoughts, and causing her to stop and turn her head toward the other slightly spotted and painted mare. The girl was looking around curiously, but seeing nothing, turned her head back to her mother, as if to prove her point. There was truly nothing here.

"You just don't know where to look," Cru simply states, turning back around to head further down the beach. Lynn had no choice but to follow, quickly at her mother's heels. They walked on for a while until Cru seemed to leap with joy at the sight ahead of them. In all his own painted glory stood Fundy. The stallion had yet to see them, and suddenly as her mother went charging forward(possibly letting her hormones get to her), Lynn felt bad for the guy.

Of course Cru let out a friendly nicker to let him know she was here, before her chest bumped roughly into his side. She pulled back once she caught her breath, lowering her head in embarrassment. She flicked an ear in his direction and the other slightly backwards as Lynn slowly approached, staying near her mother's rear and out of reach of the male.

"Fancy meeting you here," Cru's eyes twinkled with mischief as she eyed him, lips curling at the corners and into a bull blown smirk. Lynn could only sigh and shake her head.


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