Re(2): The Fishy CT Cougar Story

Yes, but that's a myth that it was "confirmed' to be from South Dakota.

I quoted the DNA report, and what it says.
Someone took some literary freedoms and added a few words here and there, and came up with a THEORY, that's riddled with problems.

Its far more likely that since there are populations in Quebec and New Brunswick, that if the animal was a wanderer, that it originated there. Especially since cougars there have also had this South Dakota trait in their DNA. (IF its really South Dakota). There are not enough samples available.

If there was a DNA confirmation in New York, WHY was it stated FIRMLY by the NY state wildlife that they NEVER have made a confirmation AFTER the Milford road kill?? I quoted that, and cited the source. People were still reporting sightings to them from upstate NY at that time. There was some clever wording to the media, but the message is clear. What about the kitten shot in the 1990's? Claim there was it had worn pads and must have been in an enclosure. I've seen that with cats that have dens in rocks.

We don't have to "reintroduce" cougars to the East. They have been present in small numbers back at least 40 years. There has been evidence, (mostly pre-dna ERA) that included prints, etc, that has been pretty much ignored.

I stated the sources of what I posted. I have the DNA report, and quoted it, and that quote from the NY wildlife is in public view. Who is kidding who?

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