Re(3): "Lack of Evidence"
Posted on December 20, 2013 at 06:36:03 PM by weather01089
For the record, this is the evidence found at that site:
Drag Marks (75 ft.) in a manner showing the head and shoulders were off the ground.
Deer covered with leaves in a manner consistent with a cougar
Bite marks 2.2 inches across (LARGE bobcat is 1.75)
Footprints, (over 3", cougar prints)
Multiple witnesses, including a URI Biologist and his wife.
Scat, (Was supposed to be submitted for DNA, nobody knows anything now)
Abdomen surgically opened and the rumen was removed from the body cavity.
The USFW did comment, and does admit this is a cougar attack.
Amazingly this has not been very public. A second incident happened a short time after, same findings initially, and it was also reversed on review.
So like was stated, this was initially labeled a "bobcat". "We don't have cougars here". So how many others is this happening with??