The Lost Islands

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there's a little girl waiting in a garden

Don't blink! Don't even blink

I never liked the cold. It isn't just the fact that cold makes everything unpleasant. It seeps into my bones and joints. It shuts my whole system down and coats my mind in a fog. When it gets below thirteen degrees Celsius, I'll fall asleep. Every. Single. Time. I don't understand why - I'm completely human. I'm not a freaky mutant who happens to be a cold-blooded mammal. With the amount of time I've spent in hospitals, I'm sure even the most incompetent doctor would have caught that.

Still, I hate the cold.

It's days like today that are the worst. Winter is the worst season. Here in Lishira, it might always be cold. But in winter... like I said, there are days I'll fall asleep on the bus and wake up in a hospital because no one could wake me. The snow, I could live with the fluffy stuff. But the wet makes the wind worse. I don't know what else I would expect from a place called "The City on Top of the World". So, why do I complain about the fog I'm always in?

There are times, when the teacher is lecturing on and on about things I don't care about, when I wonder if my life would be different if I were somewhere warmer. Maybe Port or Calid. Maybe out there, I wouldn't have a head full of cloud. One day, I might get out of this town and go out there. I'd like to know what it's like in a warm place.

I think about heat, especially at times like the present. When I'm all alone in a dark room. Why the nurse's office is an icebox I will never know. There's plenty of ice on the frosted windows. Maybe the nurse caught onto my crazy sleeping habits and turned off the heat in an attempt to force me to go to sleep. I wish I could. This migraine isn't going away any time soon. I, unfortunately, no longer have the time to waste.

I swung my legs over the side of bed, still unwilling to open my eyes. I already knew what would hit them. Lights that were too bright and strange, free floating lines of energy. It was always that way. I fumbled blindly for my sunglasses, missed them and stumbled onto the ground. Ok, stupid migraine and hard ground, you win. I opened my eyes to the assault and found my glasses and jacket on the other side of the room - on the desk where the Nurse had strategically placed them so i couldn't get to them without making noise. Clearly, she was wising up to me.

//mare//3 springs//mare of nowhere//perlino blanket//children//parent//blushie//


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