The Lost Islands

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the stars move still

“the stars move still, time runs, the clock will strike”

Marlena’s heart was flooded anew with warmth every time she looked down at her son and saw his bright, new eyes open wide as he looked around himself in awe. She wished that she could go back to that simpler time, where everything was new and fresh and fascinating – and no one thought you ignorant for wondering innocently at the world around you.

A wide, affectionate smile curled its way slowly along her lips as little Kendry’s high-pitched call answered her own. A light, low chuckle bubbled pleasantly form Marlena’s mouth as she watched in amusement at the fright his own voice seemed to have given him. She reached out to gently bump her nose against the soft, pale hide of his rump to comfort him, but he seemed to overcome his scare almost instantly.

His attention then turned to adventure, and he began to race ahead of her on his adorable, spindly little legs. Surprising herself, Marlena’s heart leapt ever so slightly, railing against the cage of her chest, as she watched him veer further and further away from her. He was not far away, in reality, but it seemed to tug on some invisible rope between her heart and his – what if he fell? Or what if she lost sight of him and he came to some kind of harm before she could find him again?

It was perhaps in that moment that she realised she would do anything for him.

Hurried by her unjustified fears, she called out to him and lurched into a trot. She caught up with his short, baby strides easily, even at a gentle, lazy pace. As soon as she was nearby him again she calmed herself and turned to play instead.

Reaching out at the pinkish flesh of his shoulder in front of her, she nipped lightly at him teasingly, not allowing her teeth to go any further than grazing his skin. Then she quickened her pace ever so slightly so that she began to overtake him, pulling away from him with a swish of her long, creamy tail, encouraging him to chase her.


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