▸ these gentle slaughter seas ◂ [Closed] - " />

During the day, sentries guard the sleeping. When the sky is dark and the moon dances with the stars, this is when the real fun begins. Munashii Gekko's forest is the only haunt where you can find your local misfits all in one place. A land of the forbidden and forgotten, a place that is riddled with dangers of a whole different kind. The wolves here have long misplaced their rightful minds, and now live like creatures damned to prowl and lurk through the night. It's easy to lose yourself here, sanity was sure to fade away and wither; there was never anything normal about this nefarious nest. The silent threats that whispered in the breeze were enough to deter even the largest of demons around. It was not strength nor wit that ensured your survival here with Eric, and challengers would be torn down with a morose lethality - there was nothing left in his cold blue eyes that promised mercy to anyone who dared to overstep their worth. So, would you give up the sun for the moon and stars? Do you have enough vigor to become a well regarded sentry? - Put on a game face to step up and pass the sepia king's test or turn and leave before he catches your scent. You never know who wants to snack on your delicious blood in this forest.


▸ these gentle slaughter seas ◂ [Closed]

“Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I'd strike the sun if it insulted me!”

Serris had never been this lonely before. Sure, he had lived as a loner once upon a time, back in the unspeakable time of his past, but nothing compared to this. No, there was nothing like being home and yet completely isolated from your family. It was torture. It was punishment. It was agony, pulsing deep in his abdomen. If only they’d decide the stupid fight already. He grit his teeth hard, a new habit he seemed to have picked up these last couple of days. At least his wounds weren’t infected. That was something. But not much.

It was hard to admit, but Serris had no idea how to deal with this kind of situation. So he had decided to live as a shadow, remaining within the pack while cutting off all contact until after he was positively sure he was still Alpha of these lands. But then a stranger had come, a newcomer, and as ruler of Munashii, that was something he simply could not ignore. Now his scent was out, clinging to the trees, and he was just waiting for the mob to appear with pitchforks and torches. And this bloody cold air didn’t help any, either.

It was Aindreas he was most worried about. From rather routinely deserting him, to being ignorant of his love affairs, to accusing him of conspiring to take control of his pack, Serris didn’t know how the boy would act anymore. He still wasn’t sure if that last assumption was correct or not. But the kid had always been so blindly loyal, so hard working... it almost reminded Serris of the son he never had, although he didn’t want to admit it. It was like Kobato all over again. But that had turned out well enough, hadn’t it?

The dark hessian, still waiting anxiously for the verdict that seemed would never come, grumpily rose to his limbs for his bi-daily dip in the river. Gotta keep those scabs clean. If only the water weren’t so frigid. Everything seemed to be getting on his nerves lately; even the water that he worshiped so much was turning into a burden. Serris knew hesitation wouldn’t solve anything, so the warboy plunged into the icy depths, bathing each of his three wounds in the chilling liquid. The first was on his cheek, two trailing lines that looked worse than it was. The second was a gash in his shoulder, deep enough to cause a surprising amount of pain, but shallow enough to avoid any real damage to the muscle of the joint. The third, and most serious, was a brutal wound to the stomach, a big ugly thing that wouldn’t give him a moment’s rest. Every movement hurt; laying down was near impossible for the first few days. Now he just tuned out the pain. Standing shoulder deep in the mountain stream, Serris heaved a great sigh. No, never before had he been this lonely. It cut him deeper than this melted snow ever could.


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