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The Lost Islands

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The day was hot, the sun well overhead and blasting the souls that dared to stand beneath it without the cover of shade. With no breeze the heated summer air was nearly suffocating and Skylar couldn’t help but feel miserable as she walked along an invisible beaten path she had traveled many times between the Peak and the Savanna. This time she had left the Savanna, heading towards the place she had begun to call home; the Peak. The cool air of the mountains would surely refresh her, even during this season, and surely she would get some better company than the silent creature that was her father.

As the roar of the falling water tickled her ears a soft sigh escaped her dark lips when Skylar thought of how nice the water would be along her sweat soaked body. Changing her course for a slight detour, the painted woman made her water to the waterfall. Giving a slight pause to look up the length of it once she had reached it, Skylar then turned and entered the waters without pause. As it washed up along her chest and against her belly in a deeper part, she just simply stood as it cooled her down while her golden eyes looked out at the other figures of horses. Not feeling up to going and making friends, Skylar then moved out of the water to go stand next to the falls and let the mist drizzle along her back to cool the rest of her off.

Skylar had not stood there long when movement caught her slowly closing eyes and snapped her back awake. It was a stallion, a very pretty one at that. The splashing noises that sounded as he pawed at the water caused the mare to cup her ears forward as an amused smile played upon her lips. Instead of speaking and ruining his fun, Skylar just watched and waited for him to either finish or noticed her was being observed.

html by shiva | edited by frost

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