
Curious as to what everyone's thoughts are regarding the female M.L. in Oregon that was shot by a hunter only to find it had 3 babies 2 weeks old.On one hand I definitely have to give the hunter credit for following it's prints once he discovered it was a mother ( I imagine this discovery was made by her appearance;enlarged nipples)and rescuing her three offspring but he has now sentenced them to a life in a zoo ( in one of the Carolina's once they are older)instead of being able to roam wild as they were meant to be.He has some sort of background in the Wildlife field but he was issued a warning. I have to wonder why (if it's legal and I assume it is or wouldn't the penalty have been much more severe?) as he surely couldn't have been able to tell from shooting distance if it was a mother or not.And...what if it was another time of year and said female was pregnant? Doubtful he could tell that from a distance either. Don't get me wrong - I am definitely NOT endorsing killing M.L.'s by any means, just have some unanswered questions.I think they should be on the no hunting allowed list and should only be shot under the direst of conditions. If one is posing a real problem and a threat to society - relocate.


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