The Lost Islands

Sinsof the father

He watches her and he quickly becomes impatient. As long as she stayed out of his borders she could be protected by whoever it was that owned her pretty little hide. Though, something on her felt familiar. He knew that faint smell clinging to her skin as just yesterday he was crashing bodies with the owner of that scent. What he didn't know was if she was a daughter or an old mare tossed away so maybe she did belong to him after all. His dark eyes scanned over her pale form as he began to pace back and forth on the borderline, never straying to far from her and almost always looking her way. He looked into those emerald eyes with a determination to have her. The mare speaks and his ears tilt forward in her direction and his mind begins to process her words.

So she lives in the bay and it seems she didn't particular belong to the current stallion by the way she talked. Warsaw enjoyed a free woman as good as the next guy, but this one seemed more independent like no matter who tied her down she would still wander. He didn't like that one bit, but his body still yearned to feel her flesh pressed up against his own so maybe it was worth the chance. His pacing stopped and his body shot forward as the pale mare began to move. To his surprise she moved closer and then over the border. That was it! It would all be a blur from here. As if just passing the border wasn't enough the mare walked right up to him and this got Warsaw very excited. He felt her pale skin slide against his own and he found himself sniffing at her neck. She smelled so good, that female musk was something he hadn't had this close in a long while.

He pulled his head back as she moved and her teeth scraped against his withers. It this had been mating season he would have already taken her by now, but he would have to settle with the foreplay until the time was right. She was too young to get pregnant anyway, but that wouldn't stop Warsaw from having fun without the consequence of a child. He would mold her into his personal sex slave. Her next words cause a large laugh from his lips that even throws his head back. This girl knew how to be fun. "I used to live in the Bay, but now I live here and I'm lonely." He says as he reaches over and nips roughly at her shoulder closet to his body. "Stay with me, never return back to the Bay. I'll be yours as you are mine." A dark glint dances acrossed his eyes. Maybe taking control over the Inlet was just the beginning of his success.

sins of the father

html by russell for tay


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