The Lost Islands

Sinsof the father

He knew she was still on the islands, but he never bothered to look for her. Somehow he knew their fates would interlock again and he knew it wouldn't be pretty. The thing he didn't know was what he would do if he saw her again and when he would see her again. Just thinking about her now created a swirl of emotions in his belly, mostly being anger. She was the reason for a lot of his current hate and his current misfortunate in having to start over rebuilding his herd. It was all her, she was the reason. He chewed on the few strands of tasty grass by his hooves before moving on down the Inlet. His nose stayed to the ground pushing around small snow piles to find some more grass that tasted the way he liked. He did this for quite some time doing down the line until something stopped him. There, just a minute walk away, was a large patch of nice looking grass and he grinned. He started to move closer and as he did his eyes glanced upwards to a pair of dark hooves.

His body stopped immediately as his eyes traveled up those hooves to long silver legs, to a thick female chest, up the neck, and then to a familiar face. Morrigan. "I didn't expect to see you so soon." He says, surprising himself at how calm he felt. He walked towards her until he was close enough to feel her skin again, close enough to smell her. "Ah, now this explains it. Dexter sent you over did he?" Ah, fate could be so cruel. It seemed every time he started a herd here Morrigan would find him and just like that she would destroy him again. That would not be the case this time. "Mistake." The words leave a bad taste in his mouth and he wishes to replace that taste with the taste of her.

This time he would be the one to destroy her.

sins of the father

html by russell for tay


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