Re(2): Tracks found in Boxford IP: Posted on March 2, 2014 at 03:41:07 PM by Cici
So glad you mentioned the trail cam,Katchaya. I have often thought about getting one - never considered E-bay or Amazon!I have read that sometimes it is difficult to catch a M.L.on one of them because they move so slowly and cautiously (unless in pursuit of prey)that they don't set off the motion detector.I also read that they place their paws very carefully so as not to startle prey, actually placing their steps on grass,leaves rather than fallen branches that would snap and alert someone or something of their presence.Add to this that they are nocturnal and it really is surprising to me that people are so unwilling to understand that it's no wonder more are not sighted than they would expect.They are very smart,cautious animals - clearly they have to be considering they have become "extinct" in this area.I,for one,believe they have been here all along in small numbers. Replies: