The Lost Islands

Sinsof the father [block]

This land was still new to him so he had been spending his first couple weeks here memorizing every inch of this frozen deathtrap. Most of the snow was gone now, but some piles still hung around in plain site as if it had no care that it was summer. Snow shouldn't be around in summer in yet there it was sparkling in the light like some kind of beautiful landmark. Warsaw found this interesting and he also found it suiting. He was a man of snow himself, a man of ice, who would always be cold no matter how warm the others were. His heart was closed off to the world, or so he wanted to believe, and no one would ever again break through to stab him. Not a female and most defiantly not another male.

Warsaw was no fool and he knew the stench of the lagoon when he caught wind of it. Never had he actually stepped inside it's boundaries, but he knew the stink from marching near by many times in the past. He had one thought of joining the nasty brethren so he wouldn't feel the weight of caring for a woman and only feel her warm body as he made her night. It was a good option for him, but instead he decided on power as he decided he was better to rule alone with no one to take orders from. He knew one of their own was in his home and a lagoonie was not welcomed here especially around the few girls he had managed to gather up. The girls here would be fearing him, trying to escape from him, and not no other way around.

He runs towards them and sees a grullo mare he had never laid eyes on before and the owner of the stink. He knew none of them, but the facts were still crystal clear. The mare was on his grounds, obviously unclaimed, and this lagoon stallion had taken it upon himself to come in another man's home and claim her. That wasn't going to be happening in his home especially when he was just starting out his reputation. He gains distance on them just as the mare was backing away and he grins with pleasure to see her defiance of the lagoon. Perhaps she was a runaway.

"She is not lost, but it seems you are." He puts himself in-between the two as he stops and lashes his teeth towards the intruder. "You're smelling up my place so I suggest you make yourself scarce before this gets ugly."

sins of the father

html by russell for tay

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