The Grotto

Disaster has struck!
Years ago, an earthquake broke open several entrances into a deep, winding series of subterranean systems. It was thought that deep below, underground rivers snaked their way below Moladion. Now, flooding in the Northern reaches of Moladion has proven this theory to be true.

The Grotto is almost entirely submerged. Many of the entrances are completely inaccessible, and those that are only extend a few hundred feet before ending in water. The lower entrances, however, act almost like a giant drain for Moladion. Water pours down into the Grotto's maw as powerful rapids and waterfalls, and large amounts of debris have build up throughout the area. It can be exceptionally dangerous to travel due to the risk of flash-flooding and dams suddenly breaking, but the Grotto does offer the most consistent access across the floodwaters because of those dams.

Note:The Grotto will return to normal once 25 posts have been completed (or at Staff discretion). During this time, new threads will receive a 'Surprise','Disaster', and prizes.

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spirits guide you [open]

The earthquake had been scary. It had reminded him of the avalanche that had killed his pack, and it had quite nearly caused him to turn tail and run right back to his mentor. But he hadn't done that, obviously, because he was still here in Moladion. He was glad that he hadn't left, because he actually quite liked it here. Nord had mostly been keeping to himself, but he had met a few others, including that female Mistletoe he had met at the river. She was nice to him, they even talked about why he was so shy, and in a way that almost helped him get over his crippling anxiety. He hadn't got over it all the way, not yet, but he could at least speak to strangers now. It was a nice feeling, not being scared of everybody and everything. Nord had made his home near the crags for the time being, and he thought that he might venture towards a pack at some point, but he wasn't sure if he was ready for that yet. Winter had come and past uneventfully, and he was proud of the fact that he could fend for himself.

The grey and white youth had left his shelter for the time being and had decided to do some exploring. The curious, lanky boy picked his way easily across the rocky terrain, his ocean blue eyes focused. His previous home had been mountainous, and so he was already used to precarious terra, but living here had only made his skills stronger. Nord had grown quite tall over his three years, more so then he had expected, but his muscle had never filled out, so he remained quite lanky and a bit awkward-looking. His overly fluffy fur and big ears gave him a very puppyish and innocent appearance even if he was almost an adult.

Nord jumped down from a large rock onto a grassy precipice, and was faced with a yawning crack in the crags, barely illuminated by the sunlight. Had this been exposed by the earthquake and only now he had stumbled upon it? It certainly hadn't been here before, or maybe he had just missed it. His ears flicked forward as he strained to see inside of the cave, taking a few steps forward to peer inside. A few cracks in the ceiling let sunlight fall down into the cave, but the shafts of light did little to illuminate the pitch-black space. Nervously, the tall male walked forward on grey paws, plunged into darkness as he entered the cave. The shafts of light filtering down gave him temporary reprieve from the darkness, but as the cave began to dip lower, he wasn't sure how long they would last.

He looked nervously behind him, at the sliver of light that signaled the entrance to the cave. Nord could feel the faintest breeze coming somewhere from deeper within the cave, but he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to continue going down into the bowels of the earth... He barked quietly and heard it echo around the cave, and it didn't stop for a good five seconds or so, which told him that this save was a lot bigger than he had originally anticipated. Nord glanced again at the entrance, he wasn't sure if he wanted to go any further or not.


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