Re(1): Winchester Track

Extremely odd but somehow par for the course. There were absolutely NO NAIL marks in the print you posted.
How can it POSSIBLY be canine?!? I would love to go Friday night but it would involve driving the Pike at commuter time. I'm not familiar with how much traffic is on the Pike heading in that direction at that time of night coming from the east. Anyone know? dog is left alone all day Friday so if I try to leave him after just letting him out for a quick potty break he won't let me...long embarrassing story....wondering if it is a big hall where I could sit way in the back with him so as not to bother anyone who does not like dogs.He loves people and is very gentle.Then I also wouldn't have to drive a long way home late alone.Don't have the option of leaving him in the car.It would be DESTROYED by the time I got back to him.Katchaya, wanna come???


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