Re(2): Talk in Blandford, MA

I'll bet it was a few more than that! You may not have seen them lined up in the hallway (a few left after a while) where I was sitting out of the way with my Rambo. Even though I could not see the people giving the presentation (until I met Bo (I think! Does he also go by Steve?Pretty sure that was what he said his last name was)I was able to see some of the pictures and info on the overhead. There was also quite a bit of talking in the hallway so I couldn't catch everything that was said but I do remember hearing something interesting regarding the fact that Mountain Lions have blue eyes when they are young but Bobcats do not. I know someone who has what she thought to be Bobcats come around her cul de sac evenings spring and summer and they had beautiful blue eyes. Definitely not domesticated cats she said; much larger.I never thought to ask her if the tail was long or short as it was before I became interested in this subject.I thought the evening was quite a success and very interesting and informative. I specifically went into the hall to purchase the book as I heard him talk about it and totally forgot to ask about it once I met him! I would like to know how to purchase it and I imagine others would,too.Such BEAUTIFUL country out that way.And - the most bizarre occurrence as I was leaving! I was turning my car around in the middle of the road and as my headlights swept the field right beside the building I saw an animal (eyes shining and cat like and the right color!)moving quickly through the field!But in all honesty it was a millisecond sighting so I don't put much stalk in it.When I turned immediately back around it was already gone. And THEN....about 5 minutes later as I wizzed down the road I swore I saw a black cat like creature crouched by the side of the road!!! The power of suggestion!!!!! Rambo and I had a good time!

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