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Then the strongest heart grows old

Then the Strongest Heart Grows Old

He had been hoping for this time for a while. Since hearing about Cersei’s encounter with that girl Viora and some strange loner boy he had been wishing for them to get out so that she could vent. He knew how badly it upset her and sometimes it was a bit strange to talk to her in the pack. Her father had an ever watchful eye upon him, or at least he felt it was so, and he didn’t want to keep on his appearance. Always when he was in the pack he acted different around her, he couldn’t loosen up and feared that showing that side of him would cast an unfavorable eye upon him from his Alpha. Sinclair had two goals in his mind, recently before he had met with Maradona he had made his mind up about… things. Things that he had been unsure of for far too long and he felt it was about time to get into the open. The first had been the same one since he was a pup speaking with Mater in the latin tongue. He wished to be a great warrior for Glorall, to serve its alpha and his pack. Always he wished to do be just that and as his training sessions with Tesseract and occasionally Cersei ensued he felt he was approaching closer and closer to that goal with each year. He was almost four now, and once he was he would request a task from his alpha to be in the Calvary and then the Achilles.

However, with that came another goal that was slightly more personal and much more confusing. The white boy had only just come to the conclusion and realization that he had these sorts of feelings for the girl he had planned on meeting at this new place. Perhaps it was easy to some, but to Sinclair it was a much more complicated matter. She was a Princess and intended to be the Queen of Glorall someday, he was just a normal member and while he guessed he had some noble blood he held no attachment or claim to it. He intended on doing everything he could to help her get to that goal but a small selfish part of him wondered if they could be something if that were to happen. Maybe it didn’t matter that she was a princess and he was just normal, perhaps she felt the same but then there was that gut wrenching feeling too. What if she didn’t.

He had been battling with these feelings for a long time now, ever since he had come to his conclusion and still he fought. Sure he knew he had these feelings now but what should he do with them. Really he just wanted to keep them to himself, locked away forever so that no one would know, but Cersei had taught him to relax, share his feelings and she was about the only wolf in Moladion that he felt comfortable doing that with. He was never one to be frivol, but emotions and actually just talking to others was a chore. Except with her.

He stopped at the entrance to this strange unknown place; he had been walking mindlessly the entire way here thinking about what he should do with his new information. He looked over his shoulder with his violet and bright crimson eyes, his black tipped tail giving a little wave. He was excited for this time with her, but anxious of the results. Never had he been so nervous around her, well perhaps minus their little spar, but this time he had a decision to make one that might ruin everything they had. Time could only tell this time. Perhaps the moment to say something just wouldn’t come up. That would honestly be relieving if it didn’t, but if it did and she said she felt the same? That would be good too.

"This is how I speak"

html by dante for toulouse/meryl. wolf by sas r. @ dawnthieves. manip by sol

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