Re(5): You tube IP: Posted on April 7, 2014 at 02:45:24 PM by katchaya
Oh CiCi, I am so sorry for your loss. I have lost 2 dogs to Cancer, Zydeco, a Rottweiler in 2002 and Luther, a Caucasian Ovcharka in 2009. Both Bone cancer. It's devastating. My Rottweiler was only 9 and but my Caucasian was 12 which considering their size was within life expectancy but still a huge hole in my heart. They just don't live long enough!
Do you have pictures? I'd love to see them.
Currently I have a Portuguese Podengo which also would resemble a deer to a Mountain lion and where I live now we often walk in a reservation that would certainly support a lion. But there are plenty of deer there so hopefully a cat would not be interested. I worry more about the coyotes of which there are many!