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Heroes are made and remembered only by Their Deeds

Name: Nike
Age (pup, teen, adult): Adult
Gender: Female
Appearance: Nike is a very slender lupine. She has a perfectly proportionate body. She has nice long legs ending in small, beautiful, round paws. Her fur is long and incredibly soft and light despite its length. Her shoulder's are built at a nice, steep angle allowing for total freedom of movement. The same goes for her hips, there's a perfect distance from the top of her tail to the point of her hip, allowing for a long range of motion. She has a delicate, angular head with small, beautifully pointed ears. Nike's eyes are a light golden color, soft, like the soft rays of sunlight that peek through the trees in the early morning hours.
Personality: Miss Nike knows exactly how beautiful she is. She isn't named after a goddess for no reason. The interesting thing is that she's not some pompous wench about it, she's simply got this regal air about her. She's calm, cool, and very calculated in everything she does. Every movement, every word, every action. She uses her beauty, captures her audience in the most subtle, almost unintentional way and then holds them there as she blinks, breathes, licks her leathery lips. She's smart, and she is terribly careful and that's exactly what makes her dangerous, poisonous.

Player (OOC) Name: Pompeii



Heroes Are Made And Remembered
Only By Their Deeds
Look Like A Goddess
Act Like A Goddess
The World Will Follow Your Lead

Female || Lone || Adult
Photo and Table by Pompeii

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