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He watches the black and lightening streaked creature walk towards them and can feel the hackles of his back raise a few centimeters with every step the male takes. He's slightly possessive but who wouldn't be with a queen like his. It didn't matter that they didn't love each other in anything more than perhaps a platonic love and the need to bring a heir into the world. Which wasn't on Rathal's list of things to do right at this moment. He liked kids, other peoples kids, his own he would probably become just as possessive and protective of as his priceless harems of girls. It probably doesn't help that Ravenna is playing another of her games, he knows this but it doesn't stop the feelings that well up in his chest. Though the stallion shows due respect his long winded title means nothing to Rathal.

He stays silent though, his head dipping slightly in a reply to the stallion as he watches Ravenna interact with Zhideusti, his keen eyes had seen the others feline eye wink towards his queen and the hairs stand a few more centimeters on edge, it takes alot for his topline to stand straight on end being so long, a soft wind blows through, though it's warm out today he doesn't feel the heat for his own heat at this meeting. As small as it was, he wasn't sure he'd like to have a tone of males roaming

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