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Speak Gently >

Name: Cheshire
Age: Young Teen
Gender: Female
Appearance: Chesh is a very small, young eastern wolf. She has a very dark gray, nearly black pelt. But her markings make her stand out like a sore thumb. She has completely white toes on her front right paw. and the inner half of her hind paws are white as well. She has a thick white strip down her spine. Her ears have very thin white lines along the edges and there is white tipped fur along the base of her neck. Her most distinct markings are the white strips on her face. They were once scars but have since grown in with white fur giving her little tiger strips on the right side of her face. there are small deep red hairs growing in along the edges as well. Cheshire has bright blue eyes that see straight through the soul.
Personality: Chesh is a perfectly ordinary little girl. She's not incredibly cunning, she's not super athletic. She's just her. She hates adults, they all lie, they all cheat, and none of them are who they want you to believe. She wants to be left alone, she wants to be something special, like all those super fast or super pretty other faes. She blames her parents for preventing any of that. Her loving brother completely ruined the dream of being a heart stopper when he lost his mind and decided to turn her face into an art project. He had left the family not long after. She is a naive little free spirit. But on the outside she is extremely quiet, reserved. She talks quietly. She keeps her eyes low and stays out of the way of the world.

Player (OOC) Name: Pompeii

"Speech Speech Speech"


Speak gently; ’tis a little thing
Dropped in the heart’s deep well;
The good, the joy, that it may bring,
Eternity shall tell.

Female || Lone || Young Teen
Photo and Table by Pompeii

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