During the day, sentries guard the sleeping. When the sky is dark and the moon dances with the stars, this is when the real fun begins. Munashii Gekko's forest is the only haunt where you can find your local misfits all in one place. A land of the forbidden and forgotten, a place that is riddled with dangers of a whole different kind. The wolves here have long misplaced their rightful minds, and now live like creatures damned to prowl and lurk through the night. It's easy to lose yourself here, sanity was sure to fade away and wither; there was never anything normal about this nefarious nest. The silent threats that whispered in the breeze were enough to deter even the largest of demons around. It was not strength nor wit that ensured your survival here with Eric, and challengers would be torn down with a morose lethality - there was nothing left in his cold blue eyes that promised mercy to anyone who dared to overstep their worth. So, would you give up the sun for the moon and stars? Do you have enough vigor to become a well regarded sentry? - Put on a game face to step up and pass the sepia king's test or turn and leave before he catches your scent. You never know who wants to snack on your delicious blood in this forest.


вlacĸ вlood

вlυe вloodѕ?
pleaѕe. мy вlood rυnѕ вlacĸ.

Sweat dripped down the King’s crown as he awoke with a start, a sharp intake of breath resonating throughout the still morning air. Serris rolled his body with a moan, the bones still heavy with sleep. The dark brute leaned his skull upon the stony walls of the den, pushing rather firmly to try and dislodge the phantom images that were still dancing across his eyelids. That dream. Again. Or should he say nightmare. The pressure on his cranium seemed to scare away the ephemeral stories for now, but Serris wasn’t one to take chances like this. So, grudgingly, the hessian rose to his pillars and gave a mighty shake of his ebony fur before loping off into the daybreak.

Still, the memory of that all-too-familiar delusion hounded him like he were the prey of royalty, flushing him out for sport. It was always the same: Kobato, her sweet face swirling around like mist, only to be swallowed up by a creeping blackness that Serris could not stop. Not only did it piss the boy off that his beloved daughter was consumed in such a manner, but it pissed him off that he could do absolutely nothing about it. His old bones were always too brittle, his will too weak, and that dream doppelganger could do nothing but stare and weep as his princess was destroyed. It was a powerful enough vision to keep the boy sleepless for days, but luckily it only came around once in a while. Guess it was just that time of month again.

The shadowy regal was almost halfway done with his daily rounds when the ghostly whiff of a scent drifted past his nares. Sentries stood straight in an instant and his muzzle whipped around to the supposed source, but then it was gone, faded completely into the pine and moss of the land. That’s it, old chap. You’ve finally gone crazy. Serris lowered his maw slowly, almost painfully, and resumed his duties. But two stops later it came again, the whisperings of a perfume that invaded his sleeping hours to this very day and Serris would not stop until he found its master. Talons dug into the rich earth as he pivoted on a dime, bursting off into the undergrowth. A flock of crows started at his display and took off overhead, almost as if they were blessing his sudden journey. But the only thing bouncing around in his skull was the possibility of finally seeing, touching, knowing his Kobato again. Ruler of the Misfits, King of the Crazy, and yet a little femme had the power to melt his heart like gold.

Closer and closer he sped, pulling back slightly as not to be reckless. He was almost there; a minute more, a couple dozen more strides, but he halted as suddenly as he had started. Dirt flew from his skidding paws as the he-beast leaned into a stop, aqua pools narrowing. At that exact moment a howl burst into the canopy, a melodious sound that caused the knight’s insides to turn and bubble like tar. But no, it wasn’t the song. It was the companion that all too suddenly assaulted the monarch’s nostrils. A silent snarl pulled at his charcoal lips, an unconscious action to the overwhelming male STENCH that now corrupted his darling’s scent. And then he was back inside his nightmare, watching Kobato’s innocence mix helplessly with the murky spirit that would eventually consume her whole. Except this time, Serris would stop it.

His pace now held a tense, defensive air as the demon proceeded once again towards the now duo at his borders. As overjoyed as he was to see his child once more, the hatred he felt for this male was more powerful. Oh, was he to travel with Munashii’s angel without permission from her father first? How much had they done together? How badly had he dirtied her pure irises? Against all reason Serris despised this strange creature, and he knew this flood of abhorrence could only be the curse of parents and protectors everywhere. Serris knew Kobato was grown now, but no man would ever be good enough for her. Not even himself.

The first sight of them caused the regal to both feel the need to cry with joy and howl with anger. His most precious Kobato stood tall – well, tall for Kobato’s standards – looking as gorgeous as any she-wolf he had ever laid eyes on. And there stood Wolfbane himself, disguised in a cloak of snow, rudely resting his cranium upon the tiara of the other. First impressions, dear boy Serris thought dangerously to himself, the thoughts dripping fire. And you have failed. There was not a falter in his step as Serris relentlessly padded towards them, spheres locked firmly on those of the brute’s. Even as he reached the border he did not stop, plowing straight between the – dare he say lovers? – and prying them apart. His slim muzzle slid right between their necks, powerful neck and chest muscles heaving the boy away from his daughter. If he resisted Serris would only push harder; this was one battle Serris would not lose. He separating them down to their sickenly swirling tails, his raven silhouette forming a complete shield. He did not snarl nor yell at the lad; he simply locked gazes and shot pillars of fire from his portals. Maybe the kid would explode. And yet Serris could not stop the fur of his shoulder from mingling with Kobato’s flank, his body and mind crying out joyfully at their reunion. Now if only this leech weren’t here to ruin their moment.

ѕerrιѕ ĸnιgнт alpнa oғ мυnaѕнιι geĸĸo loveleѕѕ мιмι


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