Loggerhead Shrikes - Carden Alvar Provincial Park Posted on April 25, 2014 at 02:53:21 AM by Jean Iron
Today, Eleanor Beagan and I birded the Carden Alvar. We saw Loggerhead Shrikes at these locations: two in the pasture on the east side of Wylie Road opposite bluebird box 10; two north of the corral at the Cameron Ranch parking lot, one on McNamee Road and two on Shrike Road.
Some other birds seen were Upland Sandpiper, Eastern Meadowlark, Brown Thrasher, Eastern Bluebird, American Bittern, Wilson's Snipe and 18 American Kestrels.
We are very pleased to announce that CARDEN ALVAR PROVINCIAL PARK is now official comprising 4737 acres of the former Cameron and Windmill Ranches, and another smaller adjoining property.
Directions: A snowdrift blocks Wylie Road at the cabin, but the road is easy walking to bluebird box 10 and the Sedge Wren Marsh (2 km). See OFO's Carden Alvar Birding Guide including map.