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“I know, but you have to have a valid reason to kill and there is none for this frog.”

I know I’m a predator. I know that in order to eat I must kill, but only the weak or the old. Only out of necessity should I kill the young. I am not afraid to kill another living creature, for food, that does not bother me. What does bother me is killing a creature when there is no reason. We are not mindless killing machines that go off on a rampage every day in order to take one life out of this world. This frog is not diseased or injured and thus it is not worthy to die. I am happy that I was able to keep the frog from its demise. I lift my golden crown and turn it to his direction, a smug look on my face as I proudly stroll away from the creek, the frog long gone now. I am not one that emits confidence, I am still a puppy and I have yet to have the proper gait that comes from my bloodline. Mother has been trying to teach me how to walk properly, but I think because of the size of my paws or the way my frame is a bit bulkier from Father’s bloodline, I am unable to achieve that graceful walk. So, I just storm off, golden ears pointed forward as my snowy white tail flicks side to the side. My gait is not as graceful or regal as my Mothers, my continuous growing and tall frame inhibits that, but my stance remains ever so firm, like I am important…or something like that. My golden ear twitches when I hear him question as to why I assume they are here. Giving him a soft growl I bare my teeth looking up at him. Really- does he not know- I’m a Princess and I am always watched.

“Everywhere I go, there is always someone watching me…why else would she be here.”

My bright blue eyes notice how he starts to chuckle now circling my small frame. I stand still and watching him carefully not enjoying how he steps and looks to me as if I am prey. Even though his face is twisted in a manic grin I cannot help, but feel uncomfortable. But I do not show it and I will not show it. My tail rises high as I give him a soft snort, slamming my snowy paw to the ground. I know he does not want to play, no one ever wants me to play with them. I try to, but most of the adults tell me they do not have time. I will not fall for his tricks. I shake my golden crown, turning the other way as he circles me, not believing him for one second.

“You do not want to play with me…no one does…do you not love your family?

.: 4th Princess of Diveen :: Kane x Isola :: White Knight :: Prince Charming :: Jail<3 :.

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