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Carved into Legend

"Your name shall be carved into legend once my Sword has carved into your chest." ~Song Of Achilles

Pass is: darq

I will never forget his face. I will never forget those molten gold eyes, burning hot as the fires that consumed Moladian... reflecting their flames.

Orca Move! And suddenly I'm pummeled towards the water's edge by a hard body, just as the wave of rock and tree and flame swept over us. It was Asa! Asa, who had saved me from the gator. Asa's dark brooding figure slammed into me again, driving me to the river and I fell into the shallows as flame surrounded us.

Orca We've got to get out of here! He roared like a savage. The ferocity in his eyes was just as much of a maelstrom as the devastation burning the world to ash all around us.

But We didn't get out of there. Only I did. Just me... and he'd died saving my sorry ass. Again. It was only because of Him I'd cleared the danger zone. My fur scorched and my lungs singed so badly I wheezed for months afterwards. But I lived. And I owe it all to that ink-capped male from Mirovis.

The fires continued to burn through the aftermath for weeks and I was left to wander the far away wastelands of the Beyond on my own. I searched for my mother and siblings and any other survivors of my pack with no success. And it was 3 months passing before I'd finally run across Pompeii and Hawthorn. The Gypsies took me in like a refugee and eventually I became one of them.

They were good to me. And their kindnesses and teachings were able to soothe my wounded Soul some. Helped me to forget and learn to cope and adapt. They gave me strength.

But even among them, I often felt alone and would wander many times out solo. Searching. Paws itched to find someone... though apart of me forgets who. Once I ran across a small bird with a broken wing. It could not fly and very nearly became my lunch. But something about the thing flailing haplessly on the ground it had suddenly plucked at my heartstrings. It was a bright blue bird, with a dark ink capped head. Such a striking creature. So much like my Asa. A Stellar's the same family of corvids as my mother's proud totem the Raven. It would have been a pity to kill such a thing. So instead, I'd plucked it up gently in my jaws and started carrying it with me.... much to the little creature's panic and dismay.

But I fed it scraps from my kills and kept it safe and alive until it acclimated to my presence and a kinship was spurned between us. I even started calling him Blue. And when Blue's wing finally healed and he found he could fly again, he still didn't go away and I was happy for his company.

On our travels I continued to search for my missing loved ones, my tie to Jehu feeling so brittle and faint and the trauma of the transpired events so vivid and tragic that I nearly all but forgot about the red wolf. But this spring, there was a change in the air, and I felt a spark of something new in the clearing azure horizons toward the place where Moladian used to be. Slowly we gypsies began venturing closer and closer to our place of origins.

Morbid curiosity I suppose...

And the closer we came the more old memories began resurfacing. Images of a red wolf would randomly flash in my head. Piercing eyes that seem to stare straight into my Core.

Today I am sitting near the outter most edge of the Crater, reclined near the careening edge as my wistful half-glazed gaze cast out across the forests in the valley of it's epicenter. So much time has passed. Two years. Can anyone dare to Hope for some form of Normalcy in this life?

Smoky wisteria eyes blink somberly, contemplating my own fate. I'd already decided that if I did find my mother, I would probably stay with the gypsies. My restless paws craved movement, ever following the Will O' The Wisp. But there was a void deep inside me. A whispering that something was amiss... Something.

(Holy cow... a post that long and I STILL feel like the content was utter CRAP -_- I just cant seem to get into the swing of this...)

{Kane x Isola} {4 years} {Diveen's Heir} {Vega's Heart}
HTML & Image (c) Ezzy for DarQ <3

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