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Love Everlasting


Pass: sarabi

I'm hastened to get him as far from the borders as I can, the murderous look within the eyes of Eden and Stella boding naught but ill Will towards Devil. He'd truly made a mess of things this time and for once I wasn't sure if Diveen would not turn against him entirely and send a hunting party out to execute the old samurai for his offense. Even if they did not, that didn't mean Stella or the male that had attacked at her side might not have their own ideas in mind.

Experience has taught me it is better to take the extra precaution, and thus I lead Devil through the night, traversing the landscape in a zig-zagging pattern. I back-track on more then a single occasion and take to sloshing down a creek to help wash away our scent.

My lips are drawn in a thin tight line, glittering harlequin eyes sharp as blades each time I cast a glance across my shoulder, assuring myself that he still follows. Not that I truly needed too, I knew he would follow as surely as I knew the sun would rise come morning. I was acutely aware of his nearness, of the static that fizzles and dances between us.

The sensation is pure pleasure, one that seems new despite it's familiar zing.

I dare not take him to Taviora, Coza would never allow a wolf known for his history of violence and past transgressions enter his territory. Instead, I head for the Grotto, certainly we could find safe haven a place to rest for the night out of harms way within the caverns.

My heart was stammering in my chest, knowing there was so much to say. I was overwhelmed with the entire situation, was I prepared to face him and explain the reasons for my actions? Hell No... But I don't regret my decision to help him and reveal myself.

Finally, the damp stagnant air of the caves hits my nares, and I allow my swift jogging pace to finally slacken and slow. I draw up short just inside of one of the cavernous openings, eyes scanning the surrounding are in case we'd been followed.

Seeing no visible signs of a warrior party, I finally allow my gaze to drift to Devil. He keeps to the shadows here though, with only his golden eyes gleaming through the dark at me. His words make my scruff ruffle.

"Don't be ridiculous, Devil... it's not the first time I've seen you painted in blood and I doubt it will be the last." I spoke with a derisive snort as he goes to small pool and washes the crimson from his face. I cannot help but feel my expression soften some as I look on.

"...You've got one thing right though. You really fucked up this time, Love. You'll count yourself lucky your only punishment was exile. There may yet be a pack of Assassins on our heels, we're going to have to be very careful the next few weeks."

My gaze still flits to the cave mouth every few seconds, guarded and alert to any signs of a threat. When I feel his eyes upon me, it is as if a magnetic force pulls my own gaze to lock upon his. His voice echoes softly through the corridor and I feel a lump grow to choke within my throat. A pang of that old familiar guilt throbs in my chest cavity.

After a moment, a sigh is pried from my lips, and I steel myself in mental preparation for what was about to come.

"Yes, Devil. Taviora. I have been living there under the guise of Alias, serving as Coszcotl's Warshield."

I allow him a moment to absorb this information and let it truly sink in. I am certain there will be much more to discuss, but in this moment I am focused purely upon him. Knowing he was safe and out of harms way... and that he was right here, right in front of me.

I reached out to him, unable to help myself, allowing my tongue to slide past my fangs and caress the side of his lip, lapping the last of the blood from his muzzle in the process. Moist tip delves further, past the plane of his cheek to burrow into the wet tendrils of his ruff near his ear.

"I am so sorry about Natalya..." I murmured softly.

White Knight
Prince Charming
For Ayita, <3 Ezzy

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