The Grotto

Disaster has struck!
Years ago, an earthquake broke open several entrances into a deep, winding series of subterranean systems. It was thought that deep below, underground rivers snaked their way below Moladion. Now, flooding in the Northern reaches of Moladion has proven this theory to be true.

The Grotto is almost entirely submerged. Many of the entrances are completely inaccessible, and those that are only extend a few hundred feet before ending in water. The lower entrances, however, act almost like a giant drain for Moladion. Water pours down into the Grotto's maw as powerful rapids and waterfalls, and large amounts of debris have build up throughout the area. It can be exceptionally dangerous to travel due to the risk of flash-flooding and dams suddenly breaking, but the Grotto does offer the most consistent access across the floodwaters because of those dams.

Note:The Grotto will return to normal once 25 posts have been completed (or at Staff discretion). During this time, new threads will receive a 'Surprise','Disaster', and prizes.

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and the blood is running red because of you;

Home: Grotto - Soul: None - Claims: Naamah

got a hole in my heart

She almost plays coy at first, staying still, perhaps she is scared though he is sure he can not smell a single drop of it upon her scent. His body is relaxed as he awaits her returned response, she speaks his name with a simple flick of her ears, if she had been feline he's sure he'd have seen her tail flicking. So he'd disturbed her peace? that's to bad, Samil doesn't like peace, it makes you grow soft and softness is a weakness. If she was trying to preen his metaphorical feathers she was doing a good job so far, but he doesn't bend so easily. His head tilts as she begins to raise to all fours in a graceful manner befitting a true angel. Perhaps she would make a good Fallen.

A smile spreads across his lips as she keeps her eyes upon his own, his do travel her body and back to her eyes. A brow raised ever so slightly as he listens to her ask if she's tresspassing. "Only if you are a pack wolf," he said his voice very much on the sly. A deep rumble of a chuckle rolls from his lips "The Fallen have called the Grotto home now for nearly a season, we don't take kindly to pack wolves" this was true, atleast for his sake.

He dispised pack wolves, their such inferior nature led them to make themselves low to just one wolf. The Fallen were not about leadership so much, other than the fact that no one messed with Samil and walked away without a scratch on them. He had started this gang and he would keep it going no matter how much effort it took on his part. "But seeing as you don't smell of a pack, your free to roam as you please, Tempestas."

"talks like this"

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